Fifty Six- Old Friend

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Maggie: And just like that, Oliver tripped along with father and the staff as they fell down the stairs!

(The two laugh, Judy frown as she cross her arms while watching them.)

Varian: Oh man! That must be so humiliating!

Maggie: It was! (Laugh) So, anyway. How Quirin?

Varian: Oh! Dad's doing fine. He's helping our farmers with the crops and the animals after the black rocks have vanish.

Maggie: That's great to know. You know, I really miss you Vary.

Varian: Same here Mag.

(Judy gasp at this, only she can call Varian Vary. Then she see Maggie reaching for his hand, and he held it! Judy get up, tears in her eyes and run off crying. At the castle, Rapunzel was looking over the papers for the neighboring kingdom. When she past by Varian's room and hear crying. She stopped, open the door and see Judy crying in his bed. She close the door behind her and walk to Judy.)

Rapunzel: Judy?

Judy: (looking at her while crying)

Rapunzel: What's the matter?

Judy: (crying) Varian is with another girl.

Rapunzel: What?

Judy: I..I.. They gotten so close since she came. All day they been talking to each other, laughing together and being so happy. Varian didn't even notice I was there. I think I'm being replace with her being his new girlfriend. He doesn't love me anymore!

(She sobbed in Rapunzel shoulder, she hug her close as Judy cry.)

Rapunzel: Oh honey. I know that feeling too. I was afraid that I was going to lose Eugene to Stalyan, and let me tell that I was so jealous. Judy, what you're feeling is jealousy.

Judy: (stopped crying) Jealousy?! I'm not jealous!

Rapunzel: Denial is the first stage of it. What I'm trying to say is. I know that Varian loves you so much, you're all he ever talks about. And if you think this girl is trying to take him away from you, then you need to go there and show her how much you love him.

Judy: You think so?

Rapunzel: I know so.

(Judy smile at her. She hug her tight as Rapuznel hug her bag. Judy get up and walk out the door, feeling confident. Rapunzel smile.)

Rapunzel: Go get him girl.

(With Varian and Maggie, the two sat by the tree that Varian and Judy first met. They laugh so loud. Judy walk to them.)

Judy: Excuse me.

Maggie: Oh, Pot. Please to meet you.

Judy: We meet, remember?

Maggie: Right. (Giggle) Sorry, I've been having lots of fun being Vary so much.

Judy: I see.

Varian: Jude? You okay?

Judy: OKay? I've been with you guys for days and finally you notice me?! Your girlfriend!?

Varian: Uh, excuse me.

(Varian took Judy by the arm and drag her far. He look at her when they stopped.)

Varian: Judy, what's gotten into you?

Judy: Vary, you've been paying more attention to her than me. You act like I'm not there anymore, like I'm just a shadow.

Varian: I... Oh, Judy. (Hug her) I'm so sorry I've been a bad boyfriend to you. I never meant to make you feel this way. I love you my angel, and there is nothing in this world that can take you away from me.

Judy: Even if you act all bad again?

Varian: Even if I have to take down Corona again to get you back.

(They hug each other, feeling love again. They look at each other, then kiss on each lips. The moment end when they hear Maggie voice.)

Maggie: "Even if you have to take down Corona again"? What do you mean Vary?

(They broke apart and look at her. She look confused.)

Maggie: Is there something you didn't tell me?

(Judy look at Varian, who look at her back. Judy sigh and nodded, knowing what to do. Varian look at Maggie.)

Varian: Maggie, four years ago. Back at the snowstorm, I accidentally encased my father in amber. I try asking for help from Rapunzel, but she broke my promise and left me alone when my angel is with her family. I try asking the kingdom for help, but they turn me away. So with no choice, I have to do what I have to do.

Maggie: What you mean?

Varian: I stole the Sundrop flower, trick everyone with a truth serum cookie and even made automaton to attack the castle and kidnapped the queen.

(Maggie gasp at horror, looking at Varian.)

Varian: I need Rapunzel hair to shatter the amber to free my dad. But when it failed, I try to kill the king, queen and Rapunzel and got arrest for that.

(Maggie stare at him with widen eyes, taking in all the info. Then she glare at him.)

Maggie: monster!

Judy: Hey! That's my boyfriend you're insulting!

Maggie: And you! (Point at Judy) You love this murderer!?

Judy: He's not a murderer! He was desperate to fix his mistake! I know deep in my heart he was in pain! I have to travel with Rapunzel to get the answer to free Quirin in hope Varian will be himself again! Why? Because I love him! I love his carefree nature, his smart ideas, his sassyiness, and his charming ways! So don't you dare call him a monster for the crimes he didn't start! And you call yourself his friend when you won't understand why he did it and he is changed!

Maggie: Heh, I should have known. You would love a freak like him.

(Before Judy can take step at her, Varian hold her down and suddenly, Maggie scream in pain and see Rudiger have bite her leg. She move her leg to get him off, he let out and get tossed and Judy catch him.)

Maggie: And keeping a rodent!? Father was right, you are a disgusting street rat!

(Varian glare at her, fist grip hard. Then he breathe, took Judy by the should and turn his back on Maggie.)

Varian: I think you've overstay your welcome. Goodbye Maggie.

(They walk away from her, can hear her shouting at them with insult. Once they are far away from her, they enter his bedroom. Judy sat on his bed, watching him with his fingers between his nose.)

Varian: I'm so sorry you have to see that Jude. Maggie was once known for being spoiled from a rich family.

Judy: It's okay. I'm just sorry that she hates you for what you've done and not understanding why you did it. Any friends would understand and support you like a real friend.

(Varian smile at her.)

Varian: I'm lucky that you've become my real friend at the start.

Judy: And will always be till the end.

(They hug each other, happy that they put all this behind them.)

Judy: Now, about our picnic..

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