Scenario #7

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They turn into girls

(what have I done)

They were walking to the kitchen and found a liquid. The liquid was an experiment that Reiji made. But they didn't know that, so they drank it all.

Reiji was experimenting and he drank the liquid that he made.


Shuu POV

I was sleeping in [Name]'s bed with her and I felt someone grabbing my chest.



I opened my eyes and saw [Name] sleeping on my chest...My big chest. She was sleeping, but she was grabbing my breasts.

[Name]'s POV

I was grabbing something..Soft and big?


I then heard someone let out a small moan, I squeezed again and the person let out another moan. I immediately opened my eyes and sat up, there I saw...Shuu? A girl?

A girl who looks like Shuu?!

Shuu was sat up and had her/his usual bored face.

''Shuu?..'' I said unsure if it was him...or her..


''Uhh...Shuu how-''

''So troublesome'' He sighed..Or she sighed ''Let me sleep you lewd woman'' He/she said annoyed.



I was in the kitchen and made some chicken soup for myself. All the Sakamaki brothers were in school except for Ayato, because he had to look after me.



I heard someone walk to the kitchen

Oh no, not Ayato

''Hey! Flat-chest'' I heard a girl voice from behind me, I turned around and found a girl that looked a lot like Ayato.

She was wearing a oversized shirt with her underwear.

''Uh...?'' I didn't really know what to say, I was just staring at Ayato?..

''Ayato?'' I asked. I tried to hide my laugh, but failed horribly.

''Oi! What happened to me!?''

''I..Don't know?'' I said but sounded more like a question because i was very confused.

Wait? Did he call me flat-chest?!

I hate when he calls me that. My eyes wandered down to Ayato's breasts..

''Pfft!'' I held my mouth and tried not to burst of laughter.

''Huh!? What are you laughing about!?''

''Don't you worry about that FLAT-CHEST~'' I said and then laughed. He looked confused for a moment but then looked down at his chest.

His eyes widened but then smirked. He grabbed his breast and then grabbed mine.

I blushed

''W-What are you doing!?'' I asked him and slapped his hands away

''Isn't this what you girls do?'' He asked and grabbed my breasts again and smirked

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