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 Ayato, Yui and you are in the school's gym and Ayato was playing basketball while you and Yui were focused on homework.

You glanced at Yui. She was doing Ayato's homework, she looked really stressed out. 

You do wonder why Ayato keeps being over protective about her all the time, are they lovers? If they were, Ayato would have told you.

You never knew why she was so important. Ayato's brothers and the Mukamis are also obbsesed with her. 

''Oi, are you done?''

You snapped out of your thoughts and looked up at Ayato.

He didnt even sweat? We have been here for 2 hours and all he has done is playing basketball.

::Your Pov::

''Yeah, lets go..'' I mumbled and picked up my books


We walked in silence, only our footsteps were making an echo. It was so weird, you and Ayato usually talk. 

We got to the main doors and ope-...Let me correct that. Tried to open them.

They wouldn't open, as much as we tried, it wouldn't open.

''A-are we stuck here...B-But the guards didn't even search the place'' Yui said.

She has a point. The guards didn't even know that we were here.

There was an silence again...


And I'm hungry.

I hid my blushing face.

''Tch, let's go'' Ayato turned around and put his hands in his pockets.

On our way to the cafeteria, the electricity turned off. Yui  screamed and clanged on to Ayato. She then whispered a 'sorry'.

''What the hell..Oi [Name] let's go to the electricity room, Chichinashi go to the classroom and wait there'' Ayato said and looked down at Yui who was shaking in fear.

Yui manged to nod and slowly lets go of Ayato.

''Don't go anywhere else'' He demanded and walked away with me running behind him.

Gosh this guy walks fast.

''O-oi..Slow down'' I stopped walking and put my hands on my knees as I tried to catch my breath.

''Hurry up, We have to go'' Ayato harshly said.

I didn't move an inch.

Ayato clicked his tongue and roughly grabbed my arm and pulled me up. He walked fast and I was dragged behind him. I begged him to let me go.



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