Favorite part

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It was already late in the evening when Nick and Ellie arrived at home.

Soon after they had entered their apartment, the two were greeted by the babysitter, who then informed them that she had put the baby down to sleep half an hour ago and that Kira had fallen asleep just a few minutes ago.

They thanked and paid her for looking after their little Kira for the evening while they had gone out for the first time since the baby had been born.

It had been nice to actually dress up and go to a restaurant and enjoy a nice dinner, just the two of them, all by themselves.

But after three hours of being away from their child, both had to admit that they were missing their cute little baby daughter, just like they did every time they left her in the care of a babysitter while they went to work.

Soon after they had taken off their coats and hung them up, they quietly, as to not wake her up, walked towards Kira's room and gently pushed open the door, so that the light from the hallway lit up the nursery enough for them to be able to see their daughter peacefully sleeping in her bed without having to actually turn on the light in the room.

Ellie and Nick both stood in the doorframe, with Nick standing just behind his wife, as the two of them quietly watched their slumbering baby with little smiles on their faces.

''This is my favorite part of the day,'' Nick whispered to her, keeping his voice down, while he took a step forward so that he was now standing beside her, then wrapped one arm around her shoulder and pulled her toward him so that he could press a kiss on her temple.

This made Ellie's smile widen, as she briefly glanced at him.

''Yeah, mine too.'' Her tone of voice as she spoke was just as gentle and affectionate as Nick's had been, reflecting their love for each other as much as the love they felt for their daughter, who was still just a few months old.

They lingered in the doorframe for a moment longer and were just about to leave and close the door behind them so that their daughter could peacefully resume sleeping in her dark room when their little girl started fussing and making whining noises, which quickly turned into actual cries.

Ellie immediately moved toward her daughter's crib and carefully lifted her up into her arms, as she started slowly rocking Kira back and forth in hopes that the action would calm her down and she would go back to sleep, but no such luck.

''Maybe she's hungry or needs to be changed,'' Nick suggested from where he was still standing in the doorframe, after which he walked toward Ellie and carefully took the baby from her arms, holding her up for a moment to sniff at her diaper.

''Nope, doesn't seem like she needs to be changed, she doesn't stink,'' he figured and handed her back to Ellie.

''I guess she's hungry then,'' Ellie replied and went to the rocking chair to sit down and feed her daughter comfortably.

When Ellie had finished feeding her baby and Kira was full, Ellie started gently rocking her again, while quietly humming a melody to help her fall asleep.

All the while, Nick watched the both of them with a gentle smile on his face.
He couldn't be any happier with his life right now.
He loved both Ellie and Kira to death, and the two had a job they loved and great friends and families.

After Kira had finally fallen asleep again in her mother's arms, Ellie gently placed a kiss on Kira's forehead and then stood up to give her to Nick, who also kissed his daughter's tiny forehead to say goodnight to her. Then, with the greatest caution, Nick laid down his sleeping daughter in her crib again and tucked her in so that she wouldn't get cold during the night.

Turning to look at Ellie, he said ''Let's get ready for bed too'', after which both of them went out of the room and closed the door behind them without a sound, and afterward went to change their clothes and brush their teeth so that they could go to bed themselves.

When they were lying in bed, Nick wrapped his arms around Ellie as they cuddled up.

''Ellie?'' Nick softly whispered after some minutes, not sure if she had already fallen asleep because she hadn't moved in a while.


''I love you,'' Nick told her with a smile on his face.

At that, Ellie let out a small laugh while she moved even closer toward Nick's warm body since she was feeling a little bit cold, a smile on her lips, though all the while her eyes remained closed.

''I know. I love you too, Nick,'' she replied after a few seconds, and Nick tightened his arms around her.

That was all that he needed to hear.

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