Chapter 3 Long Hard Road Out Of Hell

Start from the beginning

You are safe. You've made it! Maximum effort for the win!


A cracking sound reverberates in the solid silence of your mind and a line forms just a few inches away from your legs on the rock you are standing upon.

One breath.

Ground shakes under your feet and your joy is short-lived as your stomach jumps on your throat.

Two breaths.

The cracks spread rapidly towards you and all you can do is stare at them in complete horror as your brain shuts down and the adrenaline traps you in place, unable to do nothing but stare in horror as the ground comes apart underneath you.

'Oh fuck no.' is all you hear yourself say.


The sound of the ground rumbling and breaking mixes almost perfectly with your piercing scream since one second you are standing on the edge and the very next the ground gives way and you're falling over the void; instinctively, your hands eject themselves towards every possible direction, trying to grab onto something as the falling sensation is once again flooding you and the scenery begins to disappear since the cliff is swallowing you down. Desperate; your heart is about to burst and your hands claw on the rough cliff, wounding themselves and failing to save you.

For a moment, your brain completely blacks out and you watch yourself from afar as you fall to your death in slow motion. There is nothing you can do. Your body is trying but the cliff is smooth and there is nothing to grab a hold of....

Until you actually do.

There's a root protruding from the cracks of the cliff; just a thick root of a nearby tree that actually reached to spread over the cliff in search of even more ground or water, creating a small hoop as it passes on a nearby crevice. Without spending not even a single second, your hands grab a hold of it instinctively and the fall is stopped harshly; pain laces your hands immediately as they do their best to hold your whole weight up, but your grip is steady and the root doesn't give out from the extra weight. Relief. If you survive this you're betting on the freaking lottery. Your feet are hanging over the void, but you are safe for now and you'll think of something to get out of here. Carefully, you look down towards the river coursing through the rocks and surprisingly, it's not too steep but the distance is nauseating to say the least. Squealing, you turn your gaze back up, trying to find a way to climb to safety. Only to see two shadows flashing over the edge of the cliff.

'Lookie–look over here~!' a merry voice draws your attention 'Princess g-g-got her panties into a t-twist!'

There's no question about who the fuck is mocking you in such way, so it comes as no surprise when you raise your head to see Goggles crouching on the edge of the rocks looking down on you –or at least you guessed so since his eyes were still covered by those damn goggles–, old hatchet on one hand and lazily resting it on his shoulder; grin obvious in his voice, the sadistic freak didn't even seem fazed by the long chase you previously had, fucking with you like you weren't dangling above the void and he wasn't a psychopath on a killing spree. Glaring at him, you grace him with no response, and on the contrary you try to adjust your grip to the root the best you can so it's easier to hold your weight up.

He tilts his head to the side watching you closely 'What? No s–speaking lines for you~?' he taunts, earning another silent glare.

'Lemme help with that then~!' he casually sighs and pulls his old, rusty hatchet, draining the rest of whatever color you had in your face 'This little p–piggy went to the market!'

Lie To Me~Ticci Toby X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now