Vacation time

424 14 1

Sams POV

Ally had given up all hope, no matter how hard she tried to trick Jack into thinking she had hope to live you could tell it was disingenuous. Ally, from time to time, would go on walks and "enjoy nature" or while driving would make us pull over so she could look at the mountains.

She would stare and look at the scenery like it was her last time.

"Hey Sammy" Ally yelled as she walked into the library. She held a plate filled with bacon and cheesy potatoes.

"Eat up boys, I have big plans for this week." She laughed.

"Big plans?" Dean asked.

"Well, it's my birthday so we are going to.... drumroll please... the beach! We are going to San Diego, baby" she yelled excitedly. Jack walked in right as she said beach, "Jack, we are going swimsuit shopping" she said pulling him to the garage, and driving him to the mall.

"She, she isn't doing good is she?" Cas asked.

"I feels like she hitting up everything in her bucket list" I said.

"I tried to get in contact with Maliel, but..." Cas trailed off clearly distressed. "I will leave her some sort of message to begin negotiating or something." He continued.

About an hour later Ally and Jack strolled in with bags of stuff, "Let's gooo" she yelled excitedly.

We all piled into a different car, not baby it couldn't fit all of us comfortably, no matter how hard Dean tried.

For hours Ally listened to her favorite songs. No one objected because they understood that this was her trip.

After hours upon hours of Shawn Mendes music we finally reached San Diego, we went straight to the beach. She stepped out on the sand and grabbed her swimsuit and ran to the nearest changing room.

We all followed and changed. Ally walked out in a blue bikini, with no straps I wasn't quite sure what it was called.

"You... you look great." Jack mumbled to her. She blushed, "thanks not to shabby yourself." She said punching his chest softly.

"Let go in the water," Ally yelled as she ran to the water, "last one in the water is a rotten egg" Dean yelled.

I'm an Angel... Sorta Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon