Bowling Ball Bash

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Ally PoV

"Um..  can I get an order of chicken strips and..." I said looking at Jack wondering what he wanted. "Same as her" he smiled at the bowling alley restaurant employee.

"Ok! Here are your cups and have fun bowling!" The blonde peppy waitress said.

We grabbed our number and walked to an alley. I grabbed two bowling balls and some shoes.

"Here" I said throwing him the shoes.

He caught them and stared, not knowing exactly what to do.

"What do I do with this" he questioned

"Put them on ya goof" I laughed he,ping him out.

"Ok jack so... watch me and when it your turn I'll help you out" I said.

I went to bowl. Practically feel Jack's eyes making me slightly uncomfortable.

"Ok I think I got it" He said grabbing the ball and tried (emphasis on tried)

" NO NO NO NO NO" I yelled grabbing his hand.

"You do it like this" I said guiding him to what to do.

Deans PoV

Looking at Jack and Ally was making me super uncomfortable, but also happy.

Castiel PoV

I was steaming with anger...

I was walking towards Ally when suddenly smack.

"Excuse me" the familiar voice said.


"What are you doing here" we said simultaneously. Sam looked at me with a look (y'all know exactly what look I'm talking about-Siobhan)

"Ally and Jack" I said motion to them.

"We have a lead on Maliel" Sam said

"oh, really"

Ally PoV

We were nose to nose... actually.

I felt a hand on my cheek... we were about to kiss.

Then kablamo

Surprise motherfuckr Cas outa know where.

"Ally watch out" he yelled

I saw the pretty blonde girl turn large like an angel. Because of course angels had to mess this up... as per usual.

She looked toward me and yelled "Maliel sends me, with a message: Ally, if you even dare to change this you I shall take everything piece by piece."

Jack ran to me hugging me protectively eyes glowing. "Go" voice booming.

Dean ran to attack the girl but she was gone.

"Well what next" I asked

I'm an Angel... Sorta Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora