The Monster vs.Nougat-man and Mallo-Girl

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This doesn't follow the show exactly or even closely so ya

I woke up with a sudden urge to eat marshmallows don't ask me why, I just did. I walked slowly trying to avoid people hoping Cas hadn't told anyone that I tried to kill him. I saw Cas down the hallway, he smiled at me not an evil smile but a normal have a nice day smile.

I sighed in relieve. Turning to the kitchen I saw Jack (little Authors note have been told I look like I could be Jack/ Alex's sister or something in real life so if you know me in the real world, I'll put a picture up top and let you decide) he looked strangely excited, "Ally, Ally guess what" he practically jumped up and down, "Um... you just discovered ice cream?" I said with a hint of sarcasm.

"No, but Dean said that if I found a case me and you could work it... Castiel thought it would be good for us to 'hang out' and work together since we are both nephilims" he said.

"Okay, I'm in, tell me more" I asked, "um... Illinois. Four men killed in their apartments, strange warding symbols in all of their homes." He mumbled.

"Demon Deal or Rogue Angel?"I questioned. He shrugged.

I packed my small backpack when I heard fluttering of wings behind me, "Hello Ally" Castiel said gravelly.

"I'm so.. so sorry my.. I.." I stuttered. I was cut of by my father "it is fine, I forgive you. But that is not why I came"

I looked at him in confusing, "what?" He held out his hand showing me a small locket "it is warded against many different types of monsters and is a charm keep it" he handed me the intricate golden locket.

He smiled and flew away..

I finished packing and got into one of the many cars in the bunker, a blue 70's challenger.

Jack stuffed his stuff in the back and moved to open the backseat door. "What are you doing, come sit in the front seat" I laughed

"Oh, really dean always makes me sit in the back" he said, I signaled for him to move to the front.

He smiled and walked sat pridefully in his new found seat.

*time skip brought to you by my trench coat*

"Well, well if it isn't Satan jr. and his little girlfriend." The demon spat, from his chair. "Real funny, now release his soul" I sarcastically spoke.

"A deals a deal princesses" he shrugged, "That's not fair he wasn't clear on the terms" Jack yelled, as he yelled the electricity flashed on and off then a light bulb exploded, "Jack..." I whispered "Jack" I yelled. His eye turned bright yellow.

The demon began shouting and screaming, "I released him" the demon yelled in agony. Jack's anger subsided and his eyes turned back to there normal shade.

"Are you okay" I asked quietly, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Yes, I am fine... let's go tell the man he is free" he said innocently

"Oh.. I didn...yeah okay" I stuttered I was kinda of frightened by him.

"Why are you frightened... is it something I did?" Jack questioned

"Oh no, I'm just a first hunt with other people you know... a little shook up"  I lied, very well tho.

He nodded and we head back the hotel. *ring a ding ding* my phone chimed "Hello?"

It was Dean "Hey... you need to watch out," I was confused "for... what?"

"I can't explain to you, tell Jack 'She stands' hurry".he yelled "I'll be there soon"

I gasped... "Jack?" He looked over and asked "yes?" I whispered "what does 'she stands' mean" 

His eyes turned from happy to immediate fear. "Pull over, now!" He said harshly.  I nodded and pulled the car off the road.

He got out of the car and I followed, "jack what's..." he grabbed my wrist and he pulled me through the woods, "it's not safe here" he whisper yelled.

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