Sam ham bam

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(Lol the only reason I decide to make them go to Tucson is that there is literally a sandwich shop based off of serial killers I know that doesn't make sense yet but I thought that was like the coolest thing ever since I am really interested in forensics and criminal justice so... yeah )

Sams PoV

We finally made it I looked at our small hotel room and shook my head lightly, another hotel room after another monster. Same song different verse.

I looked down at my feet and rolled my shoulders to stretch from the long ride.

"Holy...." Dean looked down at his phone quickly, "100 degrees out, man I hate Arizona"

I shook my head, taking off hay flannel sweater.

I looked at Dean, who plopped down on his bed, "memory foam it...." I interrupted "remembers me?"

"Yes... yes it does my brother" he joked

"Hey, hey serial killer sandwiches." I yelled

"What?" Dean looked confused.

"Let's go now... food dude" I shouted

And he bolted out of bed and ran to the door, "Hurry Sam I'm hungry"

"Ok" I said running to the door after him.

We got into Baby and drove.... god it was even hot in the car.

We got to the sandwich shop "can I get a... chicken zodiac." I mumbled semi embarrassed I was ordering from a place like this, even though this was my idea.

Then Deans eyes widen and he pointed at the menu, "I am going to get the Sam Winchester  cheesesteak" he looked at me, nodding sarcastically, I looked at him "Sam Winchester hmmm" I smiled...

I was kinda happy I had a sandwich named after me but also kinda worried.

Time skip

"This is a damn good sandwich," Dean said biting off part of the sandwich.

"Thank you, I'm honored my sandwich taste good" I laughed

He laughed along.

"So we gotta be close right." I asked.

Dean answered with his mouth full, obviously, slurring his words "ImmSure"

"So, sightings of a disappearing man in a trench coat, Cas" I continued trying pulling out my phone "they are claiming it's aliens"

"Of course" Dean whispered

"Yeah, and kids with glowing eyes... two were seen at... The Loews Ventana Resort." I read

"Fancy," Dean replied

"Uh, yeah. It's forty minutes or so out let's go"  I said standing in the process

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