I'll be your superman

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My mind was racing, I was blacked out on a cheap motel bed... I saw everything. A flash back to before I met them, a good quiet time. Though meeting Sam, Dean and the rest, was great and probably the best thing that happened to me the beauty of home was great.

The trees swayed back and forth the snow fell. The brightly colored buildings of Reykjavík were lightly dusted with the first fall of snow. I was one again cuddled in a red knitted cardigan looking from my window with a cup of tea, and a large book. "I have been here before" I whisper.

Then a short man with curly brown hair stood silently in front of me, he snapped, signaling to something behind me. I looked back expecting to see Jack or Mother, but instead large, grey wings.

I gasped in surprise, the feathers where clean and beautiful. I slowly reach out to touch it, they were so soft.

I looked to the man "who... who are you"


Suddenly I was spinning and was thrown back o real life

I held my head in agony "ugh... wow that really.... wow"

Dean chuckled slightly "yeah just an Angel"

"You know how fucked up it is that you can just casually say 'just an angel'..." I laughed. I looked back to my wings which were still there.

"Ally, what is that" Castiel ask signaling to my wings.

I shrugged, "wings.. I think.. someone named chuck"

The exchanged glances and where about to say something when I butted in "so let's go"

"So, off to the road." Sam quietly stated, looking at Dean than Castiel.

I nodded and we all walked out quickly.

We got to the car and I passed out immediately, I may be more angel like but I was still tired.

Deans PoV

"She will be fine" I whispered

"No she somehow held the grace from a dead angel, she is just as bad as what you think Jack is" Sam whispered

"Stop" Castiel said gravely, slightly angry.

Sam shook his head and looked forward.

Ally PoV

I woke up and we were in a whole new world...

"Israel" I whispered.

Jack nodded and pointed to a hill.

"According is to the big book, God's died there" he said innocently.

I laughed leaning my head against his shoulder.

"Ok, we are here" Dean yelled.

"Shovels," Sam yelled.

I went to the truck and grabbed it when Jack fell to the ground.

"Ahhhh" he yelled in pain, "it's warded from Lucifer"

Cas pulled him a little farther away.

We took the shovel throwing them into the ground till we hit gold... literally.

I felt drawn to it, I grabbed a piece off it, the clue... these clues were clearly written recently.

"Fortress of Solitude."

"That's it" I said annoyed.

"Well." Dean stuttered.

I breathed out.

"Nerd mode activated." Said grabbing a pair of glasses from the car putting them on.

"You look hot in glasses" Jack said blushing

I nodded "true"

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