Round Table

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Smexy times (ish)

Deans POV (Wow siobhan something new what a surprise)
The English country side was lovely, it would have been better if Ally and Jack weren't having a starring contest. Ew.

Sam looked over the hill to the large stone castle laying on the hill. A large river flowed downward, the setting sun was glistening off the water. So naturally I said "let's get a beer and tomorrow we will figure this out."

Sam and Ally looked at me with a look of slight distaste. Jack and Cas was still looking to the castle, "Why Dean, Camelot is right there" Cas added loudly.

I shook my head, "no, I want Beer" Sam looked at me with a tilted head. "Ok I'll go alone"

*Time skip to a small English pub brought to you by me and Gordon Ramsey having the same birthday*

I sat down on the pub stool, a damn good looking bartender came up to the counter.

"What would you like" she said smirking lightly. She had bright blonde hair and emerald green eyes that met mine.

We talked for awhile, a long while, then that turned to a full on make out session.

Smexy(ish) times begin you are warned (I'm uncomfortable)

We practically ran to her car, I stripped of my shirt as well as her white button up.

I kissed her collarbone.

A lot of screams and well... We continued down that path and well you know.

Time skip to the next

I woke up alone, weirdly enough.

I shrugged it off, I called Sam and got to the hotel they were staying.

I walked in to the wrong room and it was really awkward but besides that the rest of that day was good.

We finally had prepared to go to find the Goblet.

We walked to the castle when we heard muffled cries. We ran to the sound to see that the girl from last night was tied to an old chair. I ran to untie her when a demon runs in. The demon looks at me calmly  "you shouldn't do that without a gallon of her blood you won't get the Goblet"

I inhaled sharply, Cas shot me a look, "Who is more important, this random girl or my daughter." He gravelly said, his voice filled with rage.

The girls eyes were filled with tears. The demon smiled and handed me a blade showered with diamonds.

I looked to the blade Cas was now enraged, he grabbed my hand and forced it into the girl.

"CAS" I screamed "what the hell"

Jack and Ally were huddled together with Sam looking at Cas with a dark look.

Cas look at me and said, "I will protect her at any cost" he motioned to Ally who was looking at him with wide eyes but not in the good way.

The blood ran down the girls body and started taking strange forms. I threw down the blade and it was pulled to the blood and it was folded into a large cup.

Cas grabbed it and held it to his chest. "This is important"

I rubbed my head and grabbed his shoulder hesitantly, we teleported to the bunker and I walked to the chair and sat down.

Cas tried to say something to me but I ignored it. The rest can a tad later. Jack and Sam said nothing to Cas but Ally quietly pulled him aside to say something. He was quieter than normal after that.

Ally and Jack headed to Ally's room to watch a movie... SuRE...sURe.

Ally's POV

No matter what dean thought we really did just watch a movie.

Ok maybe a small amount of cuddling.. and kissing.

But that's all.

I pinky swear.

I'm an Angel... Sorta Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin