Oops i did it Again

482 19 6

This chapter is kinda lovey dovey (fluff)

I had settled into my room it cozy I made my bed and plopped down on it. I looked at the ceiling for a good half an hour. I heard my door open lightly.

"Ally" Jack called quietly.

"Hey," I said holding my hands out toward him signaling him to lay by me.

He felt the weight on the left of my bed. I turned to look at him. He was looking up to the ceiling, I laid my head on his chest softly and his hand moved over to my waist. I moved my hand over his chest.

We cuddled together for awhile, we said nothing. Then the door swing open, Dean marched in "No No No get off.. no touching" he yelled. We jumped off each other.

"We think we got something" Dean said while walking out. I sat up and jumped off bed helping Jack up.

He smiled and looked down at me, he brushed my cheek with his hand, and kissed my lips softly.

We walked out to the main library and sat down at the large table strung across the room.

Dean looked up holding a small paper.

Het infd wosrd ladgaiorts

"What language it that" I asked

Sam shrugged and shook his head.

"I don't think it is a language" Castiel whispered. He looked at the paper intensely, tilting his head.

"Code?" I said lightly looking to Sam and Dean.

Dean nodded and grabbed the paper.

"Het-The" He said critically.

"Yeah" I nodded holding the fragile paper

"wosrd- words...sword?" I asked, it could be either, or nether...

I ran my hands through my hair. How could something so small be so infuriating.

I banged my fist on the table, harshly. Breathing in to subside my boiling rage... i sound insane.

I saw Deans eye light up, "what" I questioned.

"Are you not entertained? ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?" He shouted playfully.

"Wtf" I asked Sam quietly.

"Movie reference you'll see" he said walking to the car.


"We just got here"

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