Apple Pie is the Superior

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Quick note: events are happening before the end of season 13... I'll touch on that soon

After the first episode was over, Jack was hooked... asking questions almost tried to zap himself to meet Benedict Cumberbatch, but luckily I stopped him before he could.

He started to walk out my door when he said in a childish voice "can we do this again?"

I nodded and he practically skipped away. I walked out to get some long awaited pie, when I over heard Dean talking "It's Cas' kid she cant be that bad, it's Jack we should be worried about he the son friggin Satan." I hid behind the wall

I could practically hear Sam rolling his eyes, "Cas didn't tell us about her there was probably a reason, I mean he tells you everything Dean"

"Not everything" Castiel said appearing out of nowhere. "She isn't evil Sam, if that is what your implying, neither is Jack" he continued. "Then why not tell us just in case, or something" Sam questioned.

My father was about to say something but I couldn't stand it any longer, "hey whatcha talking bout" I said casual strolling in, like I wasn't sad that Sam hated me... whatever, fine I'm not salty at all.

"Oh, nothing a hunt" Dean said quickly... and very conspicuously. I nodded and walked out with my pie, but before I walked out the door I turned to my father and smiled "good night, dad" I almost hesitated at the word, dad... thirteen hours ago I was planning my plot to murder him, but something felt different. He turned his head in confusion, but than he smiled, "I hope you have a good night as well, child" I smirked and walked out.

Third person POV
Dean looked over at his brother, "how much do you think she heard" he said solemnly. Castiel looked at Sam and Dean signaling he was going away. Sam looked at Dean "probably all of it"

Ally walked slowly back to her room when she heard strange noise coming from Jack's room (no not that noise you little pervs jeez) she ran in quickly.

She saw a large kitchen knife stabbing him in the chest, but he was the one stabbing. She ran to him grabbing the kitchen knife from his hand, "what the hell do think your doing" she said startled and slightly angry. She aggressively ran her hand through her dark brown hair.

Jack looked at her with a confused face, she looked down at his shirt seeing the holes where he had stabbed but no blood.

Castiel POV
I didn't know what to do, or say none the less. I felt anger when she looked at me...but also a hint of compassion, strange child. I had flown to Swedish alps, beautiful mountains, nice to think, only thing wrong as there were no bumble bees.

Flashback OOooOoooOooooOooo
"What are you doing" Emeliana laughed, "looking at the birds, aren't they lovely" I smiled and said.

"Castiel, your an angel why do you come down to earth isn't it nice up in heaven" she said her eyes glowing with wonder.

"I like seeing you" I laughed, pushing a stray piece of shiny light caramel brown behind her ear. "I love you, Emilia" I said.

Back to the present
I looked down at my shiny shoes. Sadly reminiscing on the only person I loved (well like that at least).  I shook the thought out of my mind.

Ally looked so much like her just with darker hair.

Ally POV
"Dean, Sam get over here" I yelled, Dean ran in seeing Jack, "what happened to you you". Jack just looked at him and shrugged, Dean looked at Sam and said strangely calmly "well I guess we have to hide all the knifes"

"That's not funny" Sam and I said at the same time.

Sam stayed with Jack while I walked to bed, I sat down and looked up at the ceiling of my new room. I shrugged, what was I doing here, before I heard a flapping of wings, "You are conflicted" Castiel said, I almost jump. "What" I whisper yelled.

"Your conflicted" he said, I rolled my eyes "yes, why did you never come find me," I stood up walking behind him pretending to grab something, when I pulled an angel blade on him. He grabbed it and twisted my arm, "I know your angry about you mother but I am still your father and you have no reason to kill me"

And I was knocked out...

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