This is empty yeet

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OMG 600 reads thank you so much. I can't believe this I'm screaming. Let's get to 1k we can do it...ok Love you-Siobhan

(This chapter is kinda boring I'm sorry)


Dark, it was dark again. I was in the Empty.

But I was awake.


I opened my eyes and I was laying by a road in a desert in Arizona, I could sense the Winchester's presence when out of no where a black Chevy Impala flew down the road.

The car stopped and went in reverse.

"Cas!" Dean said his voice breaking quietly.

I nodded, "I'm back"

I opened the back door of their car and sat down on the seats. They sped back to the bunker in what I assumed was a record time.

I opened the bunkers door to see Jack and Ally on the couch, my trench coat laid over Ally's shoulders, she looked up and immediately started tearing up.

"Dad" she said looking towards me.

I opened my arms inviting her into a hug.

She ran into my arms, "you died"

She stood back "how, are you back"

"I'm not sure."

"You are not sure"

"How are you not sure"

I'm an Angel... Sorta Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt