Indiana Jones

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Imma be really repetitive about the ocean in this chapter but it will make sense later

Ally's POV

I looked over at the small crown, even after finding the next clue, I still didn't know if we needed it. I grabbed the center jewel, a small purple amethyst, and hid it in my pocket.

Jack looked at me he didn't see me take it but I felt guilty.

He smiled at me and grabbed my hand taking me out of the cave. By Sam and Dean, and obviously Cas.

I stood looking over the ocean, in Greece the water was stunning. Bright blue. Even though it was dark.

"So Ark of the Covenant" Dean said, "like Indiana Jones,"

Sam hit him on the arm, giving him a dirty look.

"Hand me my phone " I said to Jack who was holding it.

I took it and held up the camera to the sea.

We slowly left... I, in all honesty, didn't want to leave it was so beautiful. The stars where shining and the moon was so bright.

I looked to Jack, "it's beautiful, it so damn beautiful"

He smiled, and nodded the light hit his skin, I grabbed his face and kissed him, it was perfect... it felt perfect.

He looked at me and kissed my forehead, I blushed.. "come on love birds, we got somewhere to be" Dean yelled. I looked down at my feet and walked to the car.

We got in and held the next clue.

I watched as the water slowly slipped out of sight, I felt a tear slip from my face, I didn't know why..

Jack touched my arm, I coughed pretending to have something in my throat.

I fell asleep, on the car window.

I woke up when we stopped in Switzerland, in a small mountainous town.

The hotel was small and sketchy.

We walked in, when it happened..

I felt a hit to my head, my vision blurred. I saw Dean grab his knife and attack.

I blacked out

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