The Mother Land

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I walked slowly past my old home smiling at it. I continued walking. We all stopped and looked at each other. 

"So the Mother?" I wiggled my eyebrows. "Sounds like a cheap horror movie" I shrugged.

Sam nodded, then I saw Dean's eye light up "the Motherland... Russia"

I gasped "Россия(Russia)" Dean rolled his eyes

I smirked jokingly. "Let's Go"

Wibbly wobbly time wimy stuff (teleportation)

Russia was, well, cold... it was cold very cold.

I clung to my sweatshirt. Rubbing my shoulders. Jack looked over and put his arm over me warming me up. I leaned into his shoulder lightly and we continued walking till we reached a small cafe.

Castiel ordered some hot chocolate for use because some how he spoke Russian but we will just gloss over that.

A small tale of lands far away:
For the man took the last photo, but one survived. The Mother had forced upon her changed ways. The princess hid under the cold until he found her sitting alone. The princess's blood ran cold and the man hid her in the snow.

I looked over the note multiple times.

"Ok last photo... changed ways, I'm thinking the death of the Romanov family." Sam said sipping his drink.

"So Anastasia, her body... we are finding the body of a child" Dean said

I shrugged, still feeling Jack's arm around my shoulder. I still leaned into it.

"So by the river." I said slowly.

They nodded and we head to a river. The river. Wow that was scary then I meant it to be.

We found the small crypt of bones. Marked 'the last.'

"Well ain't that just peachy" Dean-o said quietly, I chuckled lightly as did Jack. Dean throw him a dirty look causing his arm to whip off my shoulder.

I rolled my eyes but moved along.

We opened the crypt expecting to see a small paper fall out. But instead was a small box with an Aquarian star. "Men of Letters" Castiel observed.

I opened it, it dropped a small ancient looking skeleton key.

I looked around seeing an old sewer pipe. I pointed to it.

"It's warded" Castiel said loudly.

Sam walked over to it opening it slowly revealing a huge walk way. Scratching the angel warding. I walked into so see an even grander library then the one is Normal, Illinois.

I gasped lightly. It looked like beast's library from Beauty and The Beast. There were stair leading up to levels of old dusty books. There was a large dinning room with lavish decor. Then a large hallway leading to bedroom strat out of a fairy tale.

Tall columns were lined up leading to a large room, with a magnificent grand piano in the center. I walked to it touching it lifting up the cover, and sat down at the bench playing a soft song.

I smiled and looked up.

"We now have a hideout in Europe" I joked not taking my eyes off the piano.


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