On the other side, Karai couldn't even believe what she heard some seconds ago. Rowan? Those bastards needed Rowan? For...their plan?! Along with a girl she didn't even hear of, they can be used of a plan for the end of the world. Unbelievable.

"Who is this April O'Neil?"

Her black and blond head turned at Shredder who seemed calmer and unheeded by his daughter's shock. "She and Rowan are the ones known as the Ones. They are the link which is missing in the plan which is the plan of Kraang." the Kraang replied with Shredder smirking behind his grey metal mask. Karai felt more awful than ever. Her best friend, in big trouble...No, no, no! This couldn't be real! Questions popped up in her head and stuck there like a sticker on a piece of paper and made her wonder:

Did Rowan know about that? If not, how did she even protect herself from those robots?

"So this April O'Neil and Rowan Fox are at the center of everything." she heard herself saying, momentarily, tears welling her eyes. Shredder turned to her, finally not being angry but there was a dangerous glimmer behind his good eye. Something that Karai didn't notice.

"Then perhaps we can use them to draw the turtles out of hiding. Karai, find the girls, and bring them to me." he ordered and his daughter nodded in agreement and respect, rising off her seat. As she walked away from her father, a tear slipped down her cheek, her makeup slightly smudging against the salty liquid. She couldn't let those creatures use her friend like a guinea pig only to accomplish their target. She won't let that happen. She cared about Rowan so much and she would protect her at any cost. Even if she had to go against her father's will.

Changing her current sadness into a happy smirk, she kept walking to the hall, a plan tallying in her mind.

Rowan's POV

For today's training section, Sensei decided that we all train altogether. And yes, that meant for Tania and April too. My pretty eyes scanned the Dojo, giving Tania the proper time to stretch her muscles. Blue was sparing with Donnie, both laughing and enjoying it a lot. Mikey and Raph were some meters away, ready to spar. Mikey was a bit anxious today just because he knew that Raph would beat him. But Raph was the normal, relaxed Raph; stretching his muscles, spinning his sais...the usual things he does all the time. Apes with Splinter were practicing some katas on the other side of Dojo. Mostly Apes who didn't apply everything I taught her by the way, and I was seriously thinking how I could punish her with a run in the sewers or lots of push-ups.

I knew that I had to train with her but I wanted to let Splinter to challenge her for a while so that he can see how much my methods worked. Honestly, I asked him for that. I just needed a second opinion from someone who won't tell me that I'm doing great just because he's in love with me, like Blue, he won't talk scientifically, like Donnie, he won't challenge and insult me, like Raph and he won't play around, like Mikey. Splinter was the best, to conclude and the only one who could help me.

I eyed Tania who had already finished with her small but important for her muscles warm up, coal black eyes looking at me back, shining with patience and a smirk transversed on my lips. "Ready for another beatdown?" I tossed, earning a grin and a scoff of hers. "Ha! I think I'll beat ya up today." she replied, setting her body into a fighting position, one of the plenty ones I taught her. With a roll of my eyes, I set my body at a defensive position, mind reminding to be a little friendly with her since it was her first time of actually fighting with me. Even if it was in a practicing and skill testing form.

But still, ever since I nearly died at the hands of Shredder, my mind replayed every single moment of it. Every small detail of it, even the ones after we turned back to the lair.

The Turtles and Me [IN PROGRESS OF REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now