Chapter 32 Miracle Lane

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Chapter 32

Miracle Lane

As I stare at Angelo my heart swells up with love and I feel like it's going to explode from the love I hold for him.

I see his facial expression change every once in a while as he stares at his laptop and types furiously on the keyboard. He begins pouting his lips together and I begin laughing.

He regains his posture and stares at me confused while he sets his laptop to the side on the couch.

He stands up and walks over to me, wrapping his hands around my waist. "Love, I can't help pouting. It comes out naturally when I'm concentrated and you know that." He says and takes his bottom lip out.

A trick Danny has learnt him when they want something.

Knowing very well what he wants, I turn around and walk away. I giggle when he grunts. Well, he needs to find his own tricks to get a kiss from me and not get Danny to learn him.

"Damn, Danny. You need to show me more tricks. This one is getting old." He whispers sadly to himself.

Giggling, I walk into our room and grab my cardigan from the closet as it's gotten chilly since the morning when we dropped Danny to school.

Walking back to the living room, I look at the time on my watch and see I got to pick Danny up from school in twenty minutes.

I walk to the kitchen to the fridge to grab the sandwich and cold juice box I get ready for Danny every day after he finishes school. I put the items in the carry lunch bag and walk back to the living room to see Angelo waiting for me with keys in hand.

"Are you ready?" He asks and I nod my head.

We both walk towards the garage and get in the Range Rover.

I stare at him while he starts up the car and drives out from the garage. He grabs hold of my hand and gives me a quick glance with a smile before turning back to focus on the road.

We have been in a relationship for one year and the whole time I have felt loved. I may have lost contact with some of my family but it makes no difference as I really haven't been close with them.

A month ago Danny's father got in contact with me. Angelo was very hesitant for me to meet up with him. We talked and negotiated for hours before we came up with a plan. Angelo ended up coming with me and I was glad that he did because when I faced him, all the memories came flashing back to me.

Dale had asked us if he could meet his son. Angelo and I felt uncomfortable because he asked us if he could meet his son. We both had said 'yes' as he has the right to meet him.

We haven't spoken with Danny about his father wanting to meet him as we haven't had the right time to do so.

"What are you thinking about, Angel?"

As I look at Angelo, I smile and reply back. "When we should tell Danny about meeting his father."

"I have that on my mind constantly. I was thinking to tell you if you want to tell him tomorrow night."

I nod my head. "I think that's the best. We can't keep dragging it along. He has the right to know him."

"Definitely, love... Anyway, we better get out of this car before we run late to pick that little rascal from school." He laughs.

We both come out the car and walk down the ash-felt holding hands.

We get stares from parents as we walk in the school like always. In their eyes, we look like a couple that don't go together as Angelo is very tall and looks dangerous with the scar I have grown to love on his face. While I'm short and look fragile, and at any second break.

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