Chapter 9 Miracle Lane/Jason Mercury

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Chapter 9. Miracle Lane

I twist and turn repeating the same routine for the past few hours trying to get comfortable to sleep. I hate it when it comes night, I just hate it because having the haunting scenes that haunt my dreams every night. Dreams that I can't see the people's faces and only see blood. I hate having these dreams because for some reason I can relate to them. I can relate to them in a way that I don't know myself, if that makes sense?

I turn and twist again pulling a muscle around my waist and I let a little groan. I stop moving and stay how I am so I don't hurt my muscle again.

I hear a squick sound coming from my room floor and then the side of my bed what's not occupied go down a little and feel small hands wrap around my waist.

"Aunty, are you asleep?" Danny whispers.

I whisper back, "No I'm not baby."

"Why?" He asks.

"Shouldn't I ask you that question?.......So Danny.........Why aren't you asleep for?" I ask him in a mocking voice.

"I can't sleep. I'm getting the bad dreams again."

Please. I hope he didn't say that, please.

"Danny.......I'm going to say this again as last time, okay. I want you to wake up when you get a bad dream and come to me. I did mention before you can sleep with me." I tell him.

I feel him move around the bed. "I know but I'm a big boy now." He exclaims.

His growing up too fast. I wish he can go back to the little five year old who had trouble pronouncing hard words and I'll help him with big words which I'll break up into syllables for it to be easier for him.

"I know you're a big boy now! Next minute you know you're graduating high school going to university." I smile.

"No! I'm still a little boy for high school and university." He laughs.

What a little cheeky boy.

"But you said a few seconds ago you're a big boy!" I say playing around with him.

He takes a big breath and sighs out. "Ohhh."

I chuckle at his response.

I feel a weird feeling in my throat and feel something liquidly substance in my nose and feel something dripping on my hand.

"You're bleeding, Aunty." Danny exclaims.

I shook my head and let a little sigh. "It's nothing. Can you please get me a tissue or maybe more then one tissue." I say and I feel my head spinning inside like your looking at a tornado on YouTube and just looking at it makes your head spin.

You think being blind you won't get dizzy but you still do. People say dizziness starts with your eyes but that's not exactly true. Dizziness starts from your ears not eyes.

"Here's your tissues." Danny says and hold my hand giving the tissues.

"Thank you." I thank him and bring up my hand to my nose.

"Your nose has started to bleed a lot."

I talk over the tissue. "It's the weather you know!"

"The weather?" He asks.

"Yes." I reply straight away so I don't taste the irony taste of blood.

"My nose doesn't bleed!" He says.

"Everybody is different. Some people don't get nose bleeds due to the weather, and then there is others who do due to the weather." I explain to him.

"Ohhh!" He sighs. "But it's not good for your nose to bleed every time like yours." 

"It is actually!"

"It is?" He says unsure.

"Yes, it is!" I laugh.

"Ohh?" He breaths out.

I let a little laugh. "I think it's time for you to sleep."

"Goodnight, Aunty."

"Goodnight, Baby boy."

          Jason Mercury


I smash the punching bag just because of the mistakes I have done and put other people through. What the fuck was I thinking? What was I thinking when I was doing that anyway?!

It's all my fault. It's my fucking fault. If I didn't jus-

"Jason." I hear someone say my name behind me.

I turn around and see a platinum blonde. Do I know her?

I look at her in the eyes. "Do I know you?" I ask her.

"No no no." She waves her hands in front of both of us.

How does she know my name then!

"My name is Rose." She says and takes something out of her pocket and I watch her move she makes.

She takes something out what looks like a black thin case and flips it over showing me a picture of herself. I look closely at the thin case and to realise it's a identification showing me she's is a cop.

"You're a cop."

"I'm an undercover in that matter." She says and takes a seat in the gym chairs.

I look at her and think.

"Why exactly is a undercover cop in the gym and talking to me at this time of the night?" I ask confused. "And how do you know my name exactly?"

"You got guts talking to me in that tone boy, and you do know that cops have every information about people including their names!" She says getting up from the chair and walks up to my face.

"I'm not being smart with you but why is a undercover cop talking to me when you're supposed to be undercover?" I ask moving from her and walking to the chair I left my towel and wipe my face.

I turn around to look at her and notice she is nowhere around. Where did she go that fast?

I walk around trying to find her but she is nowhere. I must be dreaming or something.

I walk back to the chair where my towel and other belongings are. I get my stuff and walk out the gym to my car.

Who was she? Why would she tell me she is undercover for?

I open my car and throw my stuff in the back seat and get in the drivers seat. I start up the car and speed off.

I stop at a red light and my mind wonders around. Miracle Lane, my true best friend that was always there for me even though we had a age gap between us, but that didn't change anything. I was the one who fucked up everything in the first place. If I didn't leave or more like run away I would have a perfect life and not always be afraid what's going to happen at any moment.

The light turns green and I take off my foot from the brake and accelerate a little. I look at my mirrors to check everything is safe to make a right turn, I turn the steering wheel and turn right but stop when I realise a black van has been stalking me from the gym to here but they are keeping a distance to not make it obvious.

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