Chapter 8 Angelo Apollo

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Chapter 8. Angelo Apollo

"We've got a problem." Jeff and Michael walk in my hotel room while I'm on top a slut doing her.

"Can't it wait until I finish what I'm doing." I say annoyed and move away from the slut wrapping the towel around my waist, that was at the end of the bed.

I look at the slut and she looks at me with Botox lips pouting like a monkeys butt. "Leave." I order her.

She gets up and grabs all her clothing, What I throw around the room when I was wild. She collects her cloths and runs out the hotel door like a scared cat.

I get in the shower, wash myself and put my new cloths on. I walk back in the bedroom and look at Jeff and Michael sitting on the couch waiting for me.

"Why is it that when I have a slut here, there is a problem when I'm doing the slut for?" I growl looking at them both looking at me amused. "What is it?" I ask and take a seat on the bed.

"We have a traitor who is telling everything to the cops." Michael says optimistically.

"Are you sure about that?" I ask clenching my fist beside me. "Let's do some investigating and I'll be holding a meeting with everybody next week at the abandoned warehouse, off Johns Road." I order then both to do.

They both get up from the couch but I stop them. "Don't go, stay. I need to talk to you both."

They both move back and sit down on the couch and wait for me to talk. "Traitor? Who do you think this traitor is, that is telling the cops everything?" I ask them and narrow my eyes.

"We don't know but, we think it's the new guy. Donald's son." Michael guessed. "But we don't know for sure if it's him."

"Why do you think it's him?" I ask him raising a eyebrow.

"The other day he left saying he has to do something and didn't come back. Then it happened again and again, then we found out that someone with black cars have been following us. We assume it's the police because of the number plates because they're undercover plates with a different number which is letters and one number." Jeff explains and takes out his phone showing me the photo he snapped.

I take the phone from his hand and look at the photo. I zoom in and look at the numbers RTYASG7. In fact, they're undercover cops number plates. I get out my phone and type down the number plates on my notes. I hand the phone back to Jeff and ask him if he has hacked in the police software.

"Have you hacked their software?"

He nods. "I have, however they're indeed are trying to track you down."

"Track me down interesting." I laugh and sigh. "They do know they can't track me down. In the first place they don't know how I look like. Second, they don't know where I live. Thirdly, how can they track me down when I have a undercover cop who is under my payroll. Or unless he is telling the cops on me which, I don't believe because my brother isn't like that. He knows I'll kill him brother or not." I say darkly and look at them both.

I take a breath. "You know about my brother being a undercover cop because we have been together since diapers. I want you-after you leave to get Yin to set up the cameras and stalk the undercover cops. Tell him I want pictures if he gets any soon as possible sent to me, okay. You may go." I order them. They both get up from the couch and out the door closing the door after them.

"Fucking stupid bastards thinking they can snitch on me." I mumble and get up in the hotel closet for my prepaid phone.

I dial my brothers number and put the phone on my ear. "Hello!" My brothers deep voice comes through.

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