Chapter 29: Mistake

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Demi Lovato Fan Fiction

Book 1: It Was A Mistake, But I Am Unbroken Now

Book 2: Here We Go Again When Two Worlds Collide

Note: Remember there is only one chapter left and it's going to be posted tomorrow so please vote, comment, and fan!

Tell me what you think and how you want this story to end!!

Enjoy chapter 29!! <3 

Chapter 29: Mistake

-Demi’s View-

“She’s all over the news,” I told David, “They saw her at the fair. There are pictures everywhere.”

“I don’t see the problem,” David said, “Maybe Kayla wanted to go out.”

“Or maybe it was a mistake and they weren’t supposed to be seen.”

“You and I both know Kayla wouldn’t consider it a mistake. Besides, it’s her honeymoon. My sister can do what she wants. Stop worrying.”

“I just don’t want them to come back to all this drama and news,” I said.

“I know,” David said. He kissed me quickly, “My sister will handle it when she gets back. Relax. Good luck on your performance this afternoon. I have an audition.”

I smiled, “Good luck to you too. I love you.”

“I love you too,” he smiled.

-Simone’s View-

                                     I shook my head and closed my laptop and laughed. It’s just like Kayla to go on a private honeymoon and show up in a random town for a fair. The press is probably loving that one. I picked up my bag and left the house. If this party is going to be ready when they come home, I still have a lot more to do.

-Dylan’s view-

                                     Kayla looked so beautiful. I moved her hair out of her face. She was still asleep. I could tell by the way she was sleeping that she was happy. She wasn’t tossing and turning or mumbling like she’ll sometimes do. She looked so peaceful.

                                     I kissed her head and slowly got out of bed without waking her. I grabbed one of my shirts and put it over my head before going out onto the balcony. I ran my hands through my hair and smiled. Unlike all the other times in my life, I have nothing to complain about. I’m the luckiest guy in the world. I’ve known it for years, but now it’s official. Kayla Dane is my wife.

“What are you doing out here?”

I turned around and saw Kayla wrapped in one of her robes.

I smiled, “Just enjoying the morning.”

She smiled that cute smile she always does when she has just woken up and is still tired, “Want some company?”

I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her in a huge, “Always.”

-Kayla’s View-

I could smell the cologne on his shirt from the day before when he hugged me.

“How’d you sleep?”

“Amazing,” I smiled.

We pulled away and he kissed my head, “Good. Ready for breakfast?”

I shook my head, “Not hungry. I’ll settle for coffee though.”

“Deal. I’ll make it.”

I smiled, “Okay.”

                                     We went downstairs and Dylan started making coffee in the kitchen. I sat down on one of the stools while he started the coffee.

“Are you sad that we go home tomorrow?” Dylan asked. He sat down next to me.

“I was at first, but it will be good to go back. Now that I’m thinking about it, I have missed everyone. It’s weird not seeing them every day.”

“I miss ‘em too. I even miss those annoying fights you and your brother get into.”

I giggled, “Yeah my days aren’t quite the same without a fight with David.”

“What should we do on our last day?” he asked.

“I want to stay on the beach. Go swimming and lay on the sand.”

“Last day of freedom kind of thing?”

“Exactly,” I smirked, “Except it’s my last day of privacy.”

“I’ll bring your camera for you.”

“Oh we haven’t taken very many pictures!”

“It’s okay,” he chuckled, “I’ll make sure we take a lot today.”


“I promise.”

“Good,” I smiled.

                                     We went upstairs and got changed into our suits and walked out onto the beach. Dylan set our stuff down and held up the camera.

“Smile for me.”

                                     I laughed and turned to face the camera. The wind started blowing causing my hair to go in every different direction as Dylan started snapping pictures. I took his arm and starting pulling him towards the beach. We walked until our feet were in the water. Dylan wrapped one of his arms around my shoulders and took a picture with his other hand. I kissed him once, watching him take another picture, and ran into the water waiting for him to follow me.

                                     I’m almost sad to see this honeymoon go as much as I miss everyone. It’s the first time I’ve ever felt at peace with everything. The first time I’ve been happy with myself, my body, my friends, and everyone around me. As we spent the day in the water, I let my mind wander. We both filled my camera with pictures and didn’t think about anything but ourselves. The outside world didn’t seem to exist on our honeymoon.



remember there's only one more chapter left. Are you sad to see it end? What do you think about it ending? What do you want to happen? 

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