Chapter13: Don't Forget

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Demi Lovato Fan Fiction
Original: It Was A Mistake, But I Am Unbroken Now.

Sequel: Here We Go Again When Two Worlds Collide

Chapter 13: Don't Forget

"Hey," I smiled walking into the room. Simone was on the bed playing her guitar with a notebook right next to her.

"You heard the whole thing didn't you?" she asked, "I thought you were still downstairs with your boyfriend?"

"Yeah...wait," I said, "you saw us?"

"Yeah.." she smirked, "It was very interesting."

"Oh God.."

"It's okay," she laughed, "I finally understand what all your friends mean. In that one letter who said how even your friends now pick on you and Dylan a lot. They're right by the two are lovey-dovey ALL THE TIME!"

"Okay okay okay," I laughed, "enough of that. How'd you come up with that song?"

"It's a complicated story." she replied. I could tell it wasn't really a story she was thrilled about telling. I could see it in her eyes.

"It's okay," I said, "I won't tell anyone. Just between us."

"Okay." she finally agreed, "You remember when I told you the story about how my sister died?" I nodded and she continued, "I remember that day perfectly. She told me she was going to hang out by the bridge because it's where we liked to go when we were feeling stressed. I went to meet her there, but I couldn't stop her. I felt myself stop breathing when I saw her jump and everything seemed to go in slow motion. It was like in the movies how there's this huge dramatic climax and there's background music. In my head there was a song playing. I guess it was my brain's way of trying to deal with it. I dialed 9-1-1 and things slowed down even more from there. The police showing up and hawling her off. Asking me questions about what happened and telling me how sorry they were. There was a song playing in my head. I kept imagining that I was in a movie and what the song would be. Ever since then I've had this song in my head and it won't leave. When they taught me how to play guitar, it occurred to me that the song I was imagining was played by the guitar. I messed with some chords and kept trying different things until I was finally able to figure out what the song was. I wrote my own song while watching my sister's death and I didn't even know it!"

"That's actually a great story," I told her, "sad, but great. Emotional and inspiring."

"Really?" she asked, "it was the only song that I played in rehab. I spent weeks trying to figure it out and when I finally did it was all I wanted to play. I still do. I know it's not going to bring my sister back, but it reminds me of her. I picture what she looked like and the beautiful bridge with the rushing water, large rocks, and purple flowers in the summer. When I play it, I don't imagine all the bad things that happened to me or her, I just imagined her and all the great times that we had."

"I think I know a way that it will make you feel better."

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"You won't stop playing because deep down inside of you, there's still that small section of guilt over what happened to her. I have a show to perform at tomorrow. I'm performing my first song, It's Your Life and a new song I just wrote. What if I only sang one song and you could play that song?"

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