Chapter 12: Falling Over Me

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Chapter 12: Falling Over Me

"Kay, you're too overworked" Dylan said, "just take a break from something."

"I can't" I replied, "I have to get everything done."

"No you don't" he said, "please, for me, take a break."

"But from what?" I responded, "I have my music, and helping Simone, figuring out this mystery of my sister, and planning our wedding. I can't take a break from any of those."

"Then we can delay the wedding. Do you really want to get married with all this drama with your family? Don't get me wrong, I love you. I would marry you today if you asked me, but it might be better if it's later. Later when you've figured out the mystery and everything's good."

"You really think so?"

"Kay, would you really want to get married and have your father walk you down the aisle if you don't know if any of them had to do with your sister's plan?"

"I guess so" I sighed.

"Kay don't be like that" he said, "you know how much I want to marry you, but you can't handle everything all at once. Sometimes you can only do one thing at a time. I'm dropping out."

"Why? Dylan you can't drop out!"

"Yes I am, for you. Okay you need help with all this stuff. I am going to help you figure out the mystery and I will be here with you. I hate going to classes for the day when you have this long list of things you need to do because you can't do it alone. You are going to exhaust yourself. So don't complain and try to talk me out of it. It's already done."


"You believe me don't you?" he asked.

"Yeah" I sighed, "it's just...I feel like a failure if I have to take a break from something. I feel like I'm going to let you down if I decide to postpone the wedding for awhile."

"You're not a failure and you're not letting me down. Besides, it was my idea. I don't want you to feel exhausted. Our wedding is going to be the greatest day of my life, but I want it to be yours too. It won't be if you're too preoccupied."

"Okay" I smiled.

"Believe me now."

"Yeah" I smiled again, "I believe you."

"Good." He took my hand and pulled me onto the couch with him. Before I knew it, his hands were on my face and his lips were moving with mine.

"Still want to cancel the wedding?" I mumbled between kisses.

"Funny" he said back.

"I know" I giggled. He pulled away long enough to look at me and smile. 

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing" he smiled, "it just still amazes how much my feelings have grown for you. I never thought,  when we were in high school, that I could ever love you even more but now here we are."

"You love me that much more?"

"Definitely. Everyday my love just keeps getting greater."

"You're so cheesy, you know that?" I smiled.

"Yeah, maybe but you love me anyway."

"Yes I do" I giggled, "it's one of the many cute things aobut you."

"It better be" He pulled me to him again and kissed me. 

"I have to meet Simone" I mumbled. We stopped kissing and pulled away, out of breath.

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