Chapter 27: My Love Is Like A Star

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Demi Lovato Fan Fiction

Book 1: It Was A Mistake, But I Am Unbroken Now

Book 2: Here We Go Again When Two Worlds Collide

Note: Here is chapter 27!! Only three chapters after this and this series is done. Are you sad to see it end? What do you want to see happen? Let me know!

enjoy! :) 

Chapter 27: My Love Is Like A Star

-Police Officer’s View-

*Magazine Article*

Kayla Dane Get Married in the Middle of Nowhere

                                     The singer/popstar gets married to her longtime boyfriend Dylan Montgomery. The wedding was held in a field in the country where only 20 guests attended. An insider claims everyone was “all smiles” and “very happy. A close and personal ceremony.”

Congratulations Kayla and Dylan!

*End of Article*

“See?” My daughter said, “She got married! I hope they release pictures. Kayla probably looked so pretty.”

“It sounds like it was very private, but maybe they will.”

“Are you still a fan daddy?”

“Yes I am. Kayla’s an incredible person. She’s a great role model for young girls like you. I’ll always respect her for that.”

“I want to be a singer like her.”

“Maybe you will someday, but it’s time for bed.”

I helped her into bed and went into bed with my wife.

“Did our daughter talk about Kayla again?” she asked.

“This time she had a magazine article. Kayla got married.”

“Kayla’s all we hear about from our daughter now.”

“Maybe we should let our daughter meet Kayla.” I told her.

“Doesn’t that cost money?” she asked.

“No, I think I can arrange something.”

“She’d love that… I think you would too. You’ve become quite a big fan of hers too.”

“That night I saw her save that girl really changed my perspective about her. I think she’s a great model for younger girls like our daughter.”

“I’ve started listening to her music too. It’s incredible the talent they have. I think I’m becoming a fan too.”

-Kayla’s View-

“Do you think everyone knows yet?” I asked Dylan.

                                     We were both sitting on a wicker couch and cuddling with each other. It was still morning and we were watching the ocean.

“I’m sure the word has gotten around.”

“But we were so secretive about it. I thought it would be harder for them to figure it out.”

He tightened his arms around me, ”Somehow they always have a way of finding these things out.”

“Yeah, I guess.”

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