Chapter 26: Give Your Heart A Break

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Demi Lovato Fan Fiction

Book 1: It Was A Mistake, But I Am Unbroken Now
Book 2: Here We Go Again When Two Worlds Collide

Warning: This probalby isn't what you were expecting the next chapter to be, but I felt really inspired and I love it.

So please vote, comment, fan, and enjoy!! :) 

Chapter 26: Give Your Heart A Break

-Demi’s View-

                                     She looks beautiful. Her long dress and the flowers in her hair. It was perfect. Exactly what I imagined Kayla’s wedding to look like. We were all standing in a field surrounded by the same wild flowers that were in her hair. There wasn’t much of an aisle, but we all watched as she walked down to where the rest of us were standing. Even all of Kayla’s parents came. Her mom and both of her dads. Dylan’s parents are here too. Kayla and Dylan didn’t want a big crowd here. There weren’t even that many people invited. It’s just like Kayla to have a unique wedding like this though.

                                     My song Give Your Heart A Break suddenly came to my mind. I heard it playing in my mind as I listened to their vows.

Don’t wanna break your heart
Wanna give your heart a break
I know you’re scared it’s wrong,
Like you might make a mistake.

                                     The song seemed to speak perfectly to them. Kayla was so broken and so scared. So fearful of letting anyone else in. Her problems completely blinded her, but Dylan was right there. They were good to each other and they were able to give their hearts a break. Both of them.

“I do,” Dylan said. Their eye contact hadn’t left each other since she started walking.

The minister proceeded to look at Kayla and say the vows.

“I do,” Kayla smiled.

                                     The minster looked up and roared through the field, “By the power vested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife. Dylan, you may kiss your bride.”

                                     The smile on their faces as they kissed each other is like nothing I’ve ever seen before. It was beautiful. There will never be another couple like Dylan and Kayla. As much as I love David, Dylan and Kayla are still different. When I met David he became my friend and helped me stay in recovery. He’s been there for me since the day I met him and I feel for him. Dylan came to Kayla when she needed him. He helped save her. He stood up for her and never left. It’s a love story that’s going to be a book someday on the best seller list.

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