Chapter 9: Catch Me

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Chapter 9: Catch Me

"Can you two at least pretend I'm in the room? You two have been sucking face all morning. Seriously, I want breakfast!"

Dylan and I have been listening to Alicia complain all day about us and it was getting funnier by the minute. We pulled away long enough to laugh and Dylan kissed me again. I heard Alicia groan and walk out of the room. Dylan and I pulled away from each other again and laughed.

"Are you sure it's a good idea that she stays here?" Dylan asked.

"Better than her staying anywhere else" I said, "I'd rather have her stay here and be safe than getting into more trouble somewhere else because we all know she would."

"Enough said. I have to go to class."

"No" I whined clinging to him, "I want you to stay here."

"I want to stay here too" he kissed me, "but I can't. I have class. I'm not longer on my break."

"Okay" I said, pouting.

"I love you. I'll see you after my classes."

"I love you too" I smiled, "see you later."

He kissed me one more time before picking up his bag and leaving. 

"Are you two doing that just to bother me?" Alicia asked, walking back into the room.

"Believe it or not," I said, "we do that because we love each other."

"I don't understand why I have to stay here" she said, "I could have stayed in a hotel."

"No you can't because you got into trouble last time you did that."

"But it wasn't my fault!" 

"It doesn't matter Alicia, it was still trouble. You're staying here."

"Okay fine," she said, "so what do we do?"

"You can hear some of my music?"

"Really? That would be awesome!"

"Great, let's go upstairs to the small studio."

 When we got up to the studio I decided to sing for her the very first song I ever sang. The song that got me my music career in the first place.

"Okay the song I'm going to sing is called Its Your Life. I sang it for the first time at one of our annual parties and David recorded it and turned it into a music video. I think you'll like it."

It's your life,

whatcha gonna do,

the world is watchin you,

Everyday the choices you make,

say what you are and who your heart beats for.

it's your life.

The song went pretty well. She was curiously looking at me the entire time and concentrating on the song. I closed my eyes and felt the song, forgetting she was even in the room. I remembered how I felt when I first time I sang the song and where my life was going at the time. My eyes were starting to water just thinking about how far I've come. When I opened my eyes Alicia was gone. I walked out of the studio and found her sitting on the ground in the hallway.

"Alicia? Are you okay?" I sat down next to her and waited for her to answer.

"You've been through so much. I'VE put you through so much. How can you keep giving me another chance? That song was beautiful. It was emotional and it had meaning. Real meaning that I've never heard before. I could sense all the emotion in the room as the song went on. What am I doing here? I just make your life worse every time I come around."

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