Chapter 11: Stop The World

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Chapter 11: Stop The World

"I don't care what you say, I have to talk to him!"

"Just let her talk to him" the police officer said, "ten minutes?"

"6" the guard replied.

They led me to his cell and left the door open so we could talk.



"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"I got your note" I replied.

"That's why you're here?"

"We only have about five minutes so can you tell me more about it? Please?"

"Sure" he smiled slightly, "I'd love to."

"This whole time..she was a spy? You didn't do any of it?"

"The first time I abused was really me, but I wasn't lying when I said I got help because I did. I really did. It killed me to have to hurt you again because I love you. You're my daughter. I would never want to hurt you, but I would rather have that instead of that gang chasing you down. At first I didn't understand why Alicia would come to me in the first place. I mean, I'm not even her dad, but then I understood."

"Understood what?"

"She came to me to get rid of me. She had just had that fallout with you because you started figuring her out. You knew she was only after you for fame so she had to leave. She had to leave before you figured anything else out. She didn't just want me out of the picture, she wanted everyone out so you would go back into depression. Alicia wanted you out of recovery because she knew it would ruin your fame. Your fame and David's fame which she has always been jealous of."

"Is there anyone else in this? I mean David's not a part of it is he?"

"Not that I know of. I think I've killed them all now. But if there are still people out there, beware Kayla. Don't trust anyone. Anybody could be a part of it so watch your back and tell the police what you know. Go to my house, i'll write down my address, and search it. Everything is probably already gone but there might be something left. Get there before the police get there. It's most important for you to have the evidence than it is them. Give it to them after you've already researched it."

"Time's up!" one of the guards yelled.

"Wait" Ben said. He leaned up to my ear and whispered, "I have a hiding spot in my room where I hid everything. Search in the mattress and in the drawers, that should at least still be there."

"Time's up!" the guard yelled again, coming after me.

"I will." I said, "thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. I promise you I won't let them keep you in jail forever."

"You're the best daughter anyone could ask for, you know that?"


I meant everything I said. The guard came to get me and I left the jail. He's my dad. He got help and went out of his recovery just to save my life from Alicia and her gang. He's given up his entire life for me, I'm not gonna let them stick him in jail for the rest of his life because he was saving me.

"Dylan!" I yelled walking in the door.

"Where have you been all night?!"

"At the jail."

"Kay I know you're upset, but-"

"No" I interrupted, "it's not that. He's innocent."

"So he didn't kill Alicia or those people?"

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