"Jimin, what did I miss? What happened?" Yoongi cupped Jimin's cheeks when he sat back, looking deeply into Yoongi's eyes, his lower lip trembling in a pout as he couldn't look Yoongi in the eye. Yoongi peppered the smaller boy's face with kisses, whispering how much he loved him under his breath as he tried to get Jimin to calm down. He wiped Jimin's tears away with his thumb, kissing his plump, pouty lips gently until the tears stopped rolling down his chubby cheeks. "Baby, I love you, and I want to help you. Talk to me, please," Yoongi asked softly.

"My parents...They've become hectic. L-like, they said I picked up weight, and so I've been on a strict diet, and I'm not allowed to dance because it's 'gay', and I had to remove the dye from my hair, and I need to study more because my marks have been dropping, and I'm barely allowed a chance to breathe," Jimin was hyperventilating again as he became more and more upset, but Yoongi helped Jimin sit upright on his lap and instructed him to breathe slowly. When Jimin's breathing was under control again, he pushed Yoongi flat down on the couch and laid down on him, face in his neck.

"Jiminie, my little one, you're so beautiful, you know that? Like, literally, your body drives me insane. If you gave me the chance, I would spend hours just kissing your body and making you feel worth it," Yoongi ran his fingers up Jimin's shirt, allowing his fingernails to graze the soft skin, causing Jimin's skin to break out in goosebumps. He felt Jimin smile against his skin, shifting around as he became flustered. "And from now on, I'll always have extra junkfood ready to make you feel better. You don't need to lose weight, baby. And if you want to dance, then I'll take you to Hobi's studio and you can dance there. Baby, I know it's hard and I know it feels like you can't cope, but listen to me when I say that I'm here for you. I'll fix everything, I'll protect you."

Jimin sat up straight on Yoongi's lap, his hands resting on the elder's chest. His dark hair was in disarray, his lips were still pouty, his dark eyes were glossy, his skin was pale, but he was so beautiful. Yoongi ran his fingers up Jimin's sides, feeling the spaces beneath his ribs, and Jimin closed his eyes as he arched his back into Yoongi's touch, slightly tilting his head back. "I only feel like I'm worth something when I see the way you look at me. I only feel beautiful when you touch me," Jimin's voice was hoarse from crying. "I've missed you so much, hyung."

Yoongi sat up straight, allowing their chests to press together as he pulled Jimin against him. His thinner, doll-like lips found Jimin's, claiming his man in a proper kiss. His hand moved into Jimin's hair, tangling with the dark and silky locks, liking the way Jimin was smiling into the kiss. The kiss was emotional, not at all passionate or in any way sexual. They barely used tongue, and just allowed themselves to get lost in each other's emotions as they shared their feelings by their lips.

They kissed for a full ten minutes before easing out. Jimin's arms were wrapped tightly around Yoongi's neck, his forehead pressed to his and his legs spread on either side of Yoongi's lap. "I love you, Jimin," Yoongi whispered, allowing his warm breath to graze Jimin's lips.

"I love you too, Yoongi," Jimin smiled widely, his eyes crinkling into crescents as he finally felt happy for the first time in two weeks. "Can we...have that pizza now?" Yoongi nodded, and Jimin jumped up immediately, going to fetch it. Yoongi sat right on the couch, and Jimin ran back in and plopped down on the couch. "You could be glad my parents gaze me the house keys tonight, otherwise you wouldn't have come in." Jimin took a slice of pizza, his eyes widening at how the cheese were creating strings.

Yoongi took a slice for himself and bit down immediately. "Why? Can't I sneak through your window anymore?"

Jimin shook his head. "They put up burglar bars. They think I've been sneaking out through them. Little do they know, someone else has been sneaking in," Jimin giggled softly, laying his head against Yoongi's shoulder.

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