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Peppper sighs, after helping the brothers escape through his window

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Peppper sighs, after helping the brothers escape through his window. They both easily got on to the tree and hopped down. His family couldn't see Keegan covered in blood, it would cause chaos. He couldn't understand what was going on in Keegan's head but he was getting all confused now, he couldn't find words to describe how he felt at this moment.

Dread, anger, confusion?

He didn't know whether Keegan was telling the truth about everything or just faking it. He just knew that he was really ngry, that he couldn't return his feelings, and it made the brother upset.

Cade told him about Keegan's mental illness, of course it wasn't official since he wasn't diagnosed, but Pepper didn't doubt it. It still didn't have be like that, where he would do something so terrifying and disgusting.

He let his eyes lower to his blood stained hands and arms.

Not that he wanted to have feelings for Keegan but maybe, somehow, he could've out of all those times Keegan flirted with him. His lips were soft and almost perfect, but they weren't perfect enough. Pepper didn't see himself as the boy who would suddenly be openly gay and went off about his business. He didn't have many girlfriends or much sexual experience to figure it out that fast.

How could Keegan like a boy like him? And could he like a boy like Keegan?


"Hey!" Luca opens the front door, grinning. "You made it, Cade."

The younger brother lightly smiles for a second, his hands stuffed into his hoodie pockets. "Yeah, I did. You said it was important, right?"

Luca shrugs. "I guess, I just wanted to hang out. Come in. My parents aren't home."

Cade gets invited in and he takes off his shoes, placing them with the others while Luca closes the door and locks it. Cade then takes a look around the house, it was much prettier and bigger inside than he last seen it. It was hard to see the interior with all of the flashing lights and the darkness during the party.

Cade follows him into the kitchen where Luca went into a drawer near the fridge and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. He lifts them up, smirking. "Want one?"

Cade took a moment but he nods. "Sure. I kind of need one anyways."

Luca takes out two sticks and reaches his hand out for Cade to take it. When he does, he puts the pack back and grabs a lighter which also was placed in the drawer.

"What happened? You were a little off today at school and Keegan nor Pepsi were there." Luca lights his and Cade comes over, taking the lighter after. He sighs deeply.

"My brother sort of attacked Pepper. He didn't really hurt him, it wasn't like that but apparently both of them have some small drama going on between them." He explains as he puts the stick to his mouth. He lights it.

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