{64} - Made in Heaven

Start from the beginning

10 minutes later

"S-So, what's.." she began to say before realising she hadn't thought of anything to say. "What's your favourite colour?", Belle asked so she could choose the colour of the hair ribbon she would wear today, looking at her collection inside of her bag.

Ben looked a bit shocked for a fraction of a second before the expression melted into a smile, he really didn't think Belle would want to have a conversation with him. He didn't know for how many more time he'd be locked in a small space with Belle, so the least he could do was make a conversation with her.

"Pristine white," Ben replied. "Just like the coat you're wearing right now. But wearing a white ribbon wouldn't make a good combination with blonde hair. I think you should wear a darker colour."

Belle raised an eyebrow. "I literally never thought you could ever be capable of being nice to me, let alone receiving fashion advice from you."

"I don't have anything against you, I just don't want to be too kind as a boss. There are no kind bosses in real life. Even though I have to admit I admire your audacity to act so cold towards the man who controls your internship in this hospital," Ben giggled.

Both Ben and Belle laughed, and Belle was ready to answer Ben's witty remark until a loud sound of the doors being pried on interrupted the moment. They both could hear the bustle of people at work on the door, and a man rushed in to pull them both out, shocked by the fact the pair was surprisingly calm and happy.

"Doctor Hardy, Miss Bulsara, we're sorry for what just happened," a member of the Board of Directors said to the pair as they emerged from the fallout. "You both can leave now if you'd like. Go home or wherever you want to go. It must have been tremendously stressful to be stuck in that elevator."

Ben and Belle looked at each other. They both loved doing what they did but there was no way either of them would decline a day off work, so they scooted out of the hospital as fast as they could.

"Where should we go?", Ben asked before starting his car.

"The Mazzello's," Belle suggested with enthusiasm. "They're both our friends and I promised Mailen I would come say hi today."

"Sounds good."

Everything about this was extremely odd. Did they really have to get suck in an elevator to start talking to each other? And did she really leave work early on the day she had gotten almost no sleep? This day was surely planned in Heaven.

Mailen opened the door and her eyes immediately widened, like she didn't expect Belle to come visit her so early and much less with Ben Hardy next to her.

"Hi!", she greeted excitedly, moving out of the doorway so her friends could enter before closing the door. "What a surprise! Belle Bulsara and Ben Hardy paying me visit at 11 A.M? Why do I feel like there's an interesting explanation to this?".

Mailen's house had been redecorated, giving a homely feel to it. Even with the air being crisp and light condensation exiting her mouth, Belle could feel warmth curling in her gut by just looking at the house.  

"Well, long story short, we got stuck in an elevator so we finally started talking to each other," Ben gushed. "And we were told we could leave early, so now we're here."

"That's scary, I'm glad you guys are okay."

"Oh, wow," Belle exclaimed as she looked at a piece of paper on the sitting room's table. "So many numbers and annotations. What are you planning?".

"Joseph and I are planning a group trip to Virginia Water," Mailen replied. "We were thinking of inviting you guys. Ben, Michelle, Belle, Roger, and my brother too."

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