The Cheater and Doubt (Jaiden)

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(I've been doubting myself lately. So I decided to vent it.)

Aiden's PoV

Aiden looked up when he heard the wooden door slide shut, and he saw a familiar brunette walking into the living room. "Hey love." Aiden smiled, placing down his guitar and standing up to stretch.

Jesse turned and smiled back at Aiden, walking towards him to give him a kiss. "Hey." he said gently but somehow, Aiden felt that something was wrong.

"What took you so long? I had to have my dinner alone!" Aiden teased as Jesse took off his jacket.

"Oh you know... work meeting. And besides, you're not alone. You have Reuben." Jesse gestured to their dog, who was sleeping in front of the fireplace.

"But he's not as fun as you." Aiden said sadly as Jesse managed a small smile.

Aiden looked into Jesse's eyes and wondered... why didn't his emerald green eyes shine with his usual enthusiasm?

"What's wrong?" Aiden asked as he helped Jesse to heat up his dinner.

Jesse shook his head. "It's fine, really. Just super tired." he yawned, as if to prove his point. Aiden raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything.

Jesse wasn't usually the tired type.. after all... Aiden glanced down at the engagement ring he wore and sighed. He was starting to doubt himself again. It wasn't Jesse's fault of course but Aiden couldn't help but feel like he had forced Jesse to marry him.

And Aiden wondered if Jesse accepted because he didn't want to let him down. "Hey Jesse.." Aiden muttered, sliding a bowl of mashed potatoes to him.

"Hmm?" Jesse picked up his fork and started to eat while Aiden watched him, one arm propped on the table. "Are... you sure you want to marry me?"

Jesse raised both eyebrows. "What makes you say that? Of course I do."

Aiden sighed, realising that he was twisting his ring around his finger, he always did that whenever he was doubting himself. "It's just that... I feel like we rushed into this relationship and all. And... I was scared."

Jesse looked down at his bowl of potatoes. "Of course I want to marry you, Aiden. Stop doubting yourself. I hate it when I see you upset.." he looked up and smiled at Aiden with those familiar green eyes.

If you were really sincere, Aiden thought, you would've looked at me when you said that.

Aiden nodded, rubbing his face with one hand as Jesse placed a hand on his other arm. "Hey," he said seriously, making Aiden look up. "We're gonna end up together in the end, alright?" he smiled.

Aiden nodded, holding Jesse's hand tightly, not wanting to let go. Maybe Jesse was right. He should stop doubting him. Aiden was about to say something when Jesse's phone buzzed, signalling a text from someone.

Jesse looked down at it and scowled. "Work. Hold on." he gave Aiden a small smile before scooping up his phone to take it to the balcony outside. Aiden sighed. Once again, he was left alone.

Picking up Jesse's now empty plate, he decided to clean up and head to bed. Maybe he and Jesse should have a talk tonight.


In the dead of the night, Aiden suddenly woke up, unsure of what had woken him. For a moment, he lay there in the dark until his eyes got used to the darkness. Taking a deep breath, Aiden felt Jesse's arms around him.

Aiden smiled a little and stayed still, but after awhile, he got a little uncomfortable so he gently pulled off Jesse's arm and turned to see him, sleeping as he held his phone.

He had probably fallen asleep again while using his phone. Aiden was about to close his eyes again but he noticed the screen light up, signalling a text from someone. Who would text Jesse this early in the morning?

Aiden looked at Jesse, unsure of what to do. After all, he wasn't the type to pry or peek at other people's messages. Maybe he should question Jesse about that tomorrow.

However, just as Aiden was about to turn away and hold Jesse's other hand, the screen lit up again. This time, Aiden couldn't help it, he glanced at Jesse and gently slid the phone out of his loose grasp.

Taking a shaky breath, Aiden tried to unlock Jesse's phone but frowned when he realised that he had removed the fingerprint recognition from the device. That's weird...

It didn't matter... Aiden knew the password, which he typed out. Immediately, the screen was filled with messages, from someone called Petra. Aiden frowned every harder as sat up in the dark, scrolling through the messages and feeling more and more tears start to form in his eyes.

The two had been exchanging messages back and forth, and Aiden even caught one sentence which nearly broke him. "I love you." Jesse had said to Petra.

Aiden quickly slid off the bed and ran a hand through his messy hair, feeling the urge to just slam something to wake Jesse up.

How could he had kissed Aiden with such a straight face?

How could Jesse have cheated on him just a few weeks before their wedding?!

As Aiden paced around even more, tears spilled from his eyes. He was engaged to a liar... that last part broke Aiden. And he was done being nice.

He slammed the bedroom door, making Jesse jump awake. "What the-?!" he exclaimed but Aiden didn't give him time to explain.

"Who the hell have you been texting?!" Aiden asked in his most dangerous voice as tears trailed down his cheeks. Jesse looked at him, his mouth open.

"A-Aiden... what are you talking about?" he asked, obviously shocked as he paled.

Aiden threw the phone onto the floor. "Who the hell is Petra?! Tell me!" he exclaimed, clenching his fists and feeling the ring digging into his palm, hurting him.

But nothing else was hurting him more than the pain in his heart as Jesse stared at him.

"S-shes just a friend." Jesse stammered as he got off the bed. Aiden stepped back, trying to take a deep breath.

"N-no." Aiden said harshly, "I gave you chances. I made excuses whenever you came home late. I convinced myself you loved me but now YOU HAVE TO GO AND CHEAT ON ME?!"

A tear trailed down Jesse's cheek as he shook his head. "Aiden, please, I'm sorry. Just give me another-."

"NO! Save your tears for someone else." Tears flowed down freely as Aiden pulled off the ring from his finger. "Don't ever talk to me again." he snapped, throwing it down with the phone and running out of the room.

"Aiden wait! Please don't leave me!" Jesse cried but Aiden didn't care. He had to get away from Jesse. The cheater. The liar. And... the one who broke his heart a million times.

Aiden slammed the wooden door closed and ran out into the street, tears dripping onto the pavement as he sobbed.

"Aiden!" Jesse threw open the front door but Aiden glared at him. "SHUT UP!" he yelled, making Jesse stop mid-step. He had never seen Aiden lose his temper after all.

"Shut UP WITH YOUR USELESS EXCUSES, JESSE!" he kept shouting until his throat went sore.

"We're over."

"Do you hear me.?" Aiden turned away, walking down the street as he placed a hand over his mouth to keep from crying.

"We're over."


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