"You two sure look snazzy." I meddled.

"Why thank you." Tyler said as he took a bow.

"Queen." Michael joked.

"Whatever, let's just go already." Tyler hit Michael and pushed me towards the door.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"I'll tell you in the car." Michael said. I nodded and followed them to it.

We got in the car and Tyler started to play music. He played their new CD, or some of it. They sang along to their own voices and I sat in the back awkwardly.

"Can you tell me where we're going now?" I asked them.

"Oh, we're taking you on a date." Mike said casually.

"What? No. You can't do this." I told them.

"Too late. There's no turning back now. Kellin you have to be more social and connect with people." Tyler lectured.

"I don't want to connect." I pouted and started to play with my scarf.

"Kellin, you can't just stay in your room and miss out on things. I know things are still hard, but it'll get better." He smiled back at me.

"Plus, the guy I set you up with is really nice. He's in a band and he's cute." Mike winked at me from the mirror.

"What's his name?" I didn't want to go, but I have no choice.

"Justin." Tyler answered.

"No, that son of a bitch is the reason Vic's in my life now!" I yelled at them.

"Woah, this Justin dropped out when he was in 11th grade. He went to high school with me." Mike explained.

"Oh. Okay." Guess there's more people in the world that I don't know.

"Just give this guy a chance, okay?" Tyler asked.

"Okay." I agreed.

**Vic's P.O.V.**

I worried myself sick over what happened between me and Kellin. I want to get through to him and prove to him, I'll do whatever to be with him. I just don't see what it is I need to do.

When I got back to the bus, Mikey was questioning me about Kellin. I asked him to drop it and went to my bunk. For the next few days I was off my game. I couldn't concentrate on anything but Kellin. He had my heart, and he refuses to let me have his.

"Are you okay buddy?" Mike asked during sound check.

"Yeah, just tired." I lied.

"This isn't about Kellin is it?" He asked.

"No. Not everything is about Kellin, you know." I hate how he assumed things, but sadly he was right.

"Sorry." He said as he started to play the drums for our next song.


A couple weeks had gone by. We celebrated Mike's birthday, he turned 16. He could already drink some, so there was really nothing better for him to do. The whole celebration went by fine, I didn't worry. That was until he got a phone call from Kellin, telling him happy birthday.

I tried to forget about him, he's just going to cause me heartbreak. I would put myself into my music. Jaime would occasionally text or call me, he was a great distraction. As time wound down, it was getting closer and closer for me to go see him.

I was still touring, but it was ending. I would get on a plane from our last venue, and head to California. Whenever Mike would hear me talking to Jaime, he would ask about Tony. He and Tony kept in contact, but he missed him.

Cemetery Weather (Kellic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon