• Uncontrollable feelings.

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|Real quick: I made a mistake at the end in the last chapter. It wasn't supposed to sound like Mark who had experienced the same thing. Mark just knew how the younger felt since he heard the story and everything was now clear to him after he heard everything. So it's not that Mark had something similar like that experienced. I apologize for the stupid mistake.|

"Hyung, why aren't you playing with me?" Chenle asked with a pout as he nudged the brunette's sleeve.

Haechan just sat there thinking about everything.
How did he feel about everything?
Could he handle all of this?
Why wouldn't the bad memories leave his mind?
Why did it keep repeating itself even though Haechan hated every ounce of it.

Chenle nudged again, leaning closer towards the older his face infront of his brother now.

"Hyungg!" The younger whined as Haechan kept on ignoring him.

Haechan sighed as he looked at the pouting boy who was leaning infront of him almost stumbling over from the couch.

"What is it?" Haechan asked in a soft tone, more like a tired one.

"Hyung! Why aren't you talking to me? You are not acting like you anymore hyung." The younger said his face getting more sad.

"Chenle, hyung is having a hard time right now, hmm? Please try to understand." Haechan mumbled with a sad smile.

"It's been so long! You were the one who always said that we only have each other and should never leave each other even if the other is sad! Then why are you ignoring me? Mom and dad also left us and now you keep ignoring me!" The younger cried out as tears finally started to make their way.

Haechan sighed as he pulled the younger in a hug, kissing the top of his head.

"I'm so sorry Chenle. I'm really sorry. I won't ignore you anymore, I promise." Haechan whispered as he kissed the younger again.

Chenle tightened his grip around the brunette and nodded.

Haechan didn't understand why, why he couldn't let Mark touch him just like how Chenle could.
Why did his body reacted like that?
Why did his mind repeated everything as soon as Mark touched his skin?

After a while of comforting Chenle, the younger finally fell asleep in his arms.

|Next day|

Haechan stepped out of the shower as he dried himself.

He walked out of the bathroom and wore his white dress shirt with black slacks and a black tie.
He did his hair and walked towards the younger who was still half asleep.

He felt bad for his baby brother.
Chenle was right, Haechan had been ignoring him since that accident happened.
It's not like it was his fault.

Haechan chuckled as he looked at the younger trying to button up his shirt with his eyes still closed.

"Hyung is giving you money today, only if you promise to do your best in your math class." Haechan said with a small grin

Chenle's eyes widened as he looked at Haechan but soon dropped.

"Ahh hyungg! I do my best in class! But it's too hard." The younger whined

"It's okay. Jisung is good at it right? Why don't you ask him to help you out?" The older asked as he walked towards the younger straightening his messy hair.

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