Rescue me

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Rapha's POV

Me: What is wrong with us? We're doing worse than United .

Marco: I don't even know what to say .

Toni: nothing can go right . I'm done with this bullshit .

Jess and I have been arguing non-stop but it's been a little since now we have to work together since Ruben is sick . Alessandra offered to watch him while we were at the game . I love her and how supportive she's being but I'm in a bad spot right now .

" Babe , please don't let this get to you .You had a successful international break with France . You played well. "

" I COULD HAVE STOPPED THE FIRST GOAL! I could've been quicker , my confidence is only deteriorating. Marcelo's goal made me feel better but we just couldn't get another . I'm sorry for yelling . " I say as I slowly get a headache . I need a drink .

Toni's POV
After the game I needed to loose myself so I decided to go for a walk on the beach . The ocean calms me and there's not much people here and I didn't really care if people were trolling me or asking for autographs . After about 25mins I see Sandra and I run over to her .

" Hey , What are you doing here ?"

" Rapha and Jess just got home and they're watching Ruben now so I came here . " " Sorry about the game , I was sure you guys could turn it around but I guess it wasn't to be . "

" Yeah , me too."

" Hey , look , every single player on the team is amazing , including you Kroos .I know you guys are worried about Champions League and El Clasico but I know you guys can turn it around . We are Real Madrid. "

" Gratzie, would you like to go on a date with me . I'm done being sad . You change my mood every time I see you ,like you rescue me from my feelings . How about that date?" I say getting closer to her until we can't get closer . Staring into her eyes as the sun sets I realize I might've found the one .

We kiss and it feels better than I imagined . " I'd love to go on a date with you Toni Kroos . " she says

Raphaël Varane : I found my home Where stories live. Discover now