Secrecy and Ecstacy

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Jessica's POV.                                                Today was a pretty weird day .I got up at about 9:00 and had breakfast and watched some tv when they advertised the Real Madrid vs Roma game and I immediately thought of Marco . I wonder if he'll score . At about 11:00 I found my father on my computer in his room. " Pops what're you doing with my laptop ? " I asked and he jumped .        " Amore I didn't see you there , I'm just looking at a few websites . Some jobs you'd like and whatnot . " My father never gets involved with me finding a job and he told he's not really the tech savvy type of guy so I know he's lying to me but why . I decided to drop it and I went out . I stopped at the mall looking at clothes and when i looked up Javier was in front of me . " Please don't be afraid , you don't have to say anything . I love you and I wanna make it up to you I'm sorry , I'm stupid and I regret ever giving you one scar . " I stood there in shock but I was able to say " I don't wanna hear it Javier there's nothing you can do . " With tears running down my eyes I dropped the clothes and ran out of the store until I slipped on some water and before I could touch the ground someone caught me . It was Raphaël . He smiled at me and I was still in shock with tears in my eyes . " What are you doing running so fast , come with me ." he said and he takes me to his car and we sit down . " What's wrong Jess?" he asks looking straight into my eyes waiting for an answer . " How'd you know it was me ? " I asked and he smiled . " I remember what you look like from the airport . I can see it in your eyes you're sad tell me why ?" he asks again . " That's a story for another day how about we go back to your place and chill for a while . " I said and he agreed and we went to his office place and ate some pizza , talked about our childhood and what we wanna do . I was having fun . " There is no way your dad did that , seriously ?" " Yes he did , he literally tried to jump over the fence into the neighbors yard and shoot their dogs because they were making so much noise . " I said and we both laughed . On the outside I acted cool but in the inside I just wanted to squeal and scream and jump up and down ,I was hanging out with Raphael Varane . Hours passed and it was 8:00 . " Please stay for the match I have snacks and wine . You'll love it . " he pleaded and made a sad face . " How could I say know to that. Bring the damn wine . " I said and he put on the game and we were both looking for Marco and Isco . A few minutes in and Marco gets one into the net . " Nice one buddy . " Rapha says and looks at me and I just can't get over his eyes . About ten minutes later Bale scores and we both shout and clap . In the second half Roma were gaining dominance and starting to attack more but we weren't worried . We tried to score one more but it just wasn't happening . Roma scored one and Rapha was not happy . One thing I've learnt from seeing him play is that he hates to concede . Soon the game was over and I had a lot of wine and I fell asleep . That was the best night I had in a while .

Raphaël Varane : I found my home Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum