Oh What a night !

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A/N: the loss against alaves hurts my heart . 💔💔

Toni's POV
Toni: Idk what to do anymore .

Sergio : you looked flustered out there and so was I .

Marcelo : we were stressed all of us are .

Rapha: I'm going to hug my girlfriend .

Gareth : we tried guys stop sulking . We'll get out of this . I know it .

Marco: Guys , party tonight at Club 2025 . Bring the WAGS !

Thibaut: We'll be there . VIP section right ?

Rapha: of course .

Sandra's POV
That game was hard for the guys I can tell . And I know this is a bad time but I cannot hide my feelings Kroos any longer . I need to tell him and I know just how to do it but I'll need help .

Jess: Rapha texted there's a party tonight and the entire team is going to club 2025 and they said to invite you !

Me: Omg what am I gonna wear . Kroos is going to be there right?

Jess: Yes girl! You're totally crushing .

Me: Shut up !!

*time skip *
" It's party time bitch!!"

As soon as we walked in with the lights flashing , music pounding and there's this drunk guy dancing on the table . God I love this country.

" Welcome to Club 2025 , where the music is hot and you're allowed to smoke pot . " Marco says and we all laugh . " Let the drinks begin !!" Gareth says escorting his wife to the bar while all of us go to sit down . The place was packed with people drinking , smoking , flirting and dancing . My kind of place . " Hey Toni let's get some drinks ?" He nodded and followed me to the bar where we staring talking and he was making me laugh a lot .

I can feel myself getting intoxicated by all the wine I'm drinking but it's only because I was really nervous about being with him .

" Woah , Alessandra , I think you should slow down there . " he said and I started to walk to the bathroom but my legs gave out and I fell . Shit .

" Oh my god ! Ale are you ok? You know what I'm taking you to my place ." I had no idea if I heard right because I was so out of it but OH MY GOD HE TAKING ME TO HIS PLACE!

Toni's POV
I panicked when she fell on her way to the bathroom so I'm taking her to my house to hopefully sober up . I picked her up bridal style and carried her to my car . On the whole ride she kept saying stuff in Italian that I understood and it was very funny . When we got there I carried her to my room and she immediately fell asleep on my bed . Damn she's cute .

Sorry I'm late with the update .
I'll update tomorrow as well to make up .

Raphaël Varane : I found my home Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat