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Rapha's POV. I'm not very happy with the result we got against Manchester United but it's only pre-season. I had a relaxing day here in Lille . Helping my mother cook after I bought the groceries. I love to spoil her and then at 8 we all got ready for the game . I wanted to sleep early but for some reason I just couldn't so I decided to text Marco after about 3 or 4 hours passed since I came in my room . Me : Dude can we talk ? Marco: Talk! It's 1 in the morning. Me: Ik sry man but I can't sleep Marco: i gave Jessica ur number Marco : hers is (+39)964-253 now talk to her . Don't ever wake me up again. Me: Marco wtf. I'll talk to her but don't ever give strangers my number. Marco : hahaha whatever Jessica's POV. I had a really good night with Marco , Marina and Isco they're really nice they made my trip to Miami memorable . I met my father at the hotel snoring in his bed , I chuckled and went to my room . Because I had a good day I thought would come easy but not at all I was twisting and turning when all of sudden my phone pings . R. Varane : Um hi Marco probably told you who I am . I couldn't sleep so I thought about talking to you for a bit I hear ur a fan . Oh my god , no way Raphael Varane just texted me yeah it's 1 in the morning but who cares . Answer him bitch . Me: Um yh I am I love Real . Marco said you guys saw me in the airport ? R. Varane: Yh we did you looked beautiful,who was the guy next to u? Me : my dad we moved here from England but I'm originally from Italy . I decided to change Raphaël's name in my phone to Rapha so it'd be easier. Rapha: Cool I love the weather in Milan it's calming . Me: So I heard you're in still in France. Rapha: Yes I am , maybe I could take you someday amore you'd love it. Me : I would love it a lot . When are you coming back I'd like to continue this convo in person . Rapha: a week or two , just met me and u miss me already. Me: oh you are so not funny . We should go to sleep Varane . Rapha: Ur right but first can I get a kiss 😂. Me: 😘😘 you're lucky I like you Varane . Byeeee. I couldn't believe what just happened, I just talked to Raphaël Xavier Varane . Jessica stop smiling I told myself . He's actually that cute and cheesy . I'm so hooked from one fucking conversation. He makes me feel butterflies.

Raphaël Varane : I found my home Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt