New Start

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Rapha's POV.                                                Just two weeks before I leave France to go back and join the others for the new season , until then ,I get to see one of my favorite games take place Real vs Manchester United. Always the best pre- season game and this time its in Miami . I'm enjoying myself with my family here in France and it pains me to know it's coming to an end . Marco told me when I get back to Madrid I have to go to an outing with him and Marina. I can't say I'm looking forward to it because I feel like I'm being set up . Anyway , my parents keep asking me when they're going to get grandchildren and I always answer I don't know . I'm happy with Marco trying to help but everyone knows I'm awkward .                                                         Jessica's POV.                                              Yesterday was amazing , I had my first job interview and I helped my father repaint my room in cherry red . At about 3:00 I wanted to call Marco but instead I got his girlfriend, she's so nice she set up a date for when the three of us can go out and have fun . I'm really excited that my first friends in Madrid are famous, my friends back in Italy would be jealous if they knew . In Italy my friends would get together to watch AC Milan vs Inter Milan every time and I miss that so much of course now it might be El Clasico. Marina is perfect for Marco she's amazing and so nice . I wish I had someone like that in my life .

Raphaël Varane : I found my home Where stories live. Discover now