Chapter 97 - Impartial

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"You're very cuddly this morning," Dimitri commented with a soft smile, watching as Rose stretched luxuriously before nuzzling back against him.

"That's because most of the wax is on my side of the bed," Rose grumbled.

"Hmm. I'll change the sheets today," Dimitri promised, rolling to face his wife. "How are you feeling?"

"Good," Rose replied, knowing what Dimitri was referring to. "Last night was really... intense."

"Good intense?" Dimitri asked a little worried.

"Yeah, good intense," Rose said. "I liked it, but I wasn't expecting to feel so emotionally exposed."

Dimitri nodded. "I could see the moment you suddenly just needed me," he crooned softly. "What happened?"

Rose cuddled even closer to him. "I don't know. I wasn't scared. Just overwhelmed I guess? As soon as you started making love to me, I was fine. More than fine," she said with a soft laugh, remembering how frenzied their lovemaking had ended up being. Dimitri might have planned slow and steady, but it certainly hadn't worked out that way! "So, Celeste and Leslie are coming for lunch. Do you think they're going to accept?"

"I do. They know about our teaching at St. Basil's, and if anything that makes the deal even sweeter. They'll be able to step up as primary Guardians for Lissa and Christian at Court while we're away."

"And what do you think about Eddie?"

"He's in good form. I'm going to talk to Matthews and Hughes about it, but I'm leaning towards offering him a spot."

"And Viktoria?" Rose probed.

"Ugh! I don't know!" Dimitri groaned. "She was in the top four at the tournament, so her skills are on par, but she's my sister. I don't know whether taking her on is the best thing for her, for the team or for us."

Rose sighed. Now she knew Eddie was in love with Viktoria, and she was all but certain Viktoria felt the same way, she wanted them to have their happy ever after. But she could see Dimitri's reservations. And a small part of her thought if Eddie and Vika were so keen to be together, they needed to be the ones working to make that happen.

"Come on Comrade," Rose said, climbing out of bed and brushing dried bits of wax from her skin. "If the girls are coming over straight after church, we'd better get some food from the kitchens. Let's have breakfast at the cafeteria for a change," she suggested.

"Does that mean you're looking for a chocolate doughnut?" Dimitri queried knowingly.

"Maybe..." Rose laughed.

Showered and changed, the two wandered across to the cafeteria, surprised to see Lissa, Christian, Vika, and Eddie already sitting at a table.

"I'll get our meals," Dimitri said, motioning for Rose to sit with her friends.

"Don't forget my doughnuts!"

"I wouldn't dare, milaya," Dimitri laughed.

"So," Rose said, flopping onto a vacant chair. "How's everyone going? Not too sore this morning, Vika?"

Eddie looked at Rose in alarm, spluttering into his coffee and flushing bright red.

"What do you mean?" he demanded. "Why would Vika be sore?"

"Um - cos she fought two fights in the final round of the tournament, and they were full on?" Rose said in a 'yer duh' voice. "I know I'm feeling achy this morning," she continued, looking at Vika and managing to keep a completely straight face.

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