Chapter 20 - Good To Go

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By the time Rose and Dimitri were packing the car to head to St. Basil's on Sunday, a lot of things had been resolved. They'd taken their hot chocolates up to their room on Saturday, sat on the bed side-by-side, leaned against the bedhead and talked. Both of them had been shaken up by the whole baby bombshell, and they really needed to have a discussion.

"Where do you see yourself in five years time, milaya?" Dimitri had asked, starting the ball rolling.

"What do you mean?" Rose said, stalling for time while she thought about his question.

"I mean where do you want to be in life?"

Dimitri took a deep breath and looked at Rose apprehensively before continuing. "For me, I hope that we'll be married, that we'll be guarding a couple or maybe working at one of the schools or at Court together, and that we'd be starting to think about you taking some time off work so we could start a family. Does that sound anything at all like how you see things?"

The poor guy had put his heart and hopes right out there, and Rose was taking her time responding.

"Umm... yeah pretty similar. Definitely married. I hope I'll be guarding Lissa with you guarding Christian. I'm not sure about a baby at twenty-two or twenty-three, though. But yeah - maybe starting to have that conversation?"

"You'd consider being a mother?"

"Now that I'm not worried about being pregnant right this very minute? Yeah. I mean, I can't guarantee you I'll definitely want to have a child, but I haven't ruled it out. And you're the only person I can imagine ever wanting that with."

It wasn't a promise, but it was a definite maybe, and Dimitri was pleased enough with that. He pulled Rose into his arms, kissing her hard. They made out for a little while before getting back down to business.

Now they'd established they saw their future in the same sort of direction, they drilled down to short term and long term goals, and the things they needed to do to achieve these. Ever efficient, Dimitri jotted it all down on a notepad in his neat handwriting – making them individual to-do lists. He was always so much more organized than Rose was. That's what made them work so well, she supposed.

The discussion about contraception had been kind of amusing. Dimitri went onto his phone and looked up all the different options, dutifully reporting the pros and cons of each. Rose had already considered the possibilities, and thought their best choice was for her to have a contraceptive implant. She remembered from sex ed it had one of the lowest failure rates. She honestly couldn't see herself remembering to take a pill at the same time every day, or getting a shot every few months. An implant would take care of everything for a few years without her needing to think about it.

"Well, it's either condoms or an implant, Comrade. No way I'm going to remember to take a pill at the same time every day, and honestly, I'd probably muck up a shot every three months. I really don't like the idea of condoms, so maybe the implant?"

They'd been in agreement, so Dimitri had immediately rung through to St. Basil's. Firstly he let them know that she'd be sharing his Guardian room not lodging in the Novice dorms, then he was put through to make an appointment for her at the infirmary the next afternoon - checking to make sure they had everything necessary in stock.

"Keen much, Comrade?!" Rose joked, giving Dimitri a flirty little smile.

"If you get it placed in the first five days after your period starts then you'll be immediately protected. I love you, milaya. I don't want to risk getting you pregnant until it's something we've planned. But I want to be with you again so much..."


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