Chapter 102 - Did YOU Do This?

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Everything was ready. The paintball guns and rounds had been stashed at various points around campus ready for collection. A few smaller pranks were set up and ready to go, and reports were coming in from all over campus about additional pranks that had been perpetrated. For example, someone had dumped dishwashing liquid in the front fountain, and there was now dishwashing suds overflowing and making their way slowly down the long front driveway.

Rose had found a 'funny audio clips from movies' website and was waiting until classes started to randomly play them over the senior school PA system. She'd decided to kick it off with a thirty-second clip from 'When Harry Met Sally.' To this end, Aston had spliced into the senior school PA system cable and installed a handset up in headquarters.

Eddie was there and had set one of the three goo-cannons up on a tripod to fire through the broken window. The window faced out onto the commons, and so it would be the perfect place from which to launch their goo missile come lunchtime when the commons was a popular hang out space. Chelsea had co-opted a couple of the Novice guys to join her on the summerhouse roof at the same time. They'd be firing the other goo-cannons into the commons from there.

"Those photos of Dimitri are great! We got about twenty-five we're using, and the team has twenty photocopies of each to stick to the gym wall. They have the other parts under control, too," Eddie advised.

Rose giggled. "I'm going to get him so good!"

"You'll need to run and run fast," Vika laughed. "Dimka is going to be so angry when the senior campus and his Guardian colleagues see these. I just want to make sure you let him know it was Karolina and not me who got them for you," she requested.

"He'll be fine," Rose assured her. "I'll distract him before he gets too cross!"

 "I'll distract him before he gets too cross!"

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9 pm came around, and the pranks began. It started with a bugle call over the PA. The Seniors on campus rushed to grab their paintball equipment, and suddenly any non-Senior outside the buildings was a target. Rose decided to sit the first hour or so out. As she'd anticipated, the Seniors had gone mental, and by the time she'd played her 'When Harry met Sally' audio clip and then another from Pokemon, half of them were out of ammo.

Rose was sitting on the third floor with some others when they heard the first classroom erupt with alarm clocks at 10.27 pm. They could clearly hear it from the third floor of the adjacent building, so it must be almost deafening in the room itself! Rose, Eddie, Vika, and a couple of the others used the distraction as an opportunity to escape outside as every available Guardian raced towards the classroom in question.

As she snuck across the far edge of the commons, Rose could see the back of her Russian God racing towards the noise. The rear of his shirt was missing its sign, so someone must have plucked it from him. She was carefully carrying her paintball loaded handgun, thinking Abe was awesome for buying it for her. It was dark out, now. Perfect for clandestine maneuvers. And no one was more clandestine than Rose Belikov when she wanted to be!

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