Chapter 87 - Shiver

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As promised, Abe had taken everyone out to the best restaurant at Court on Thursday night. The food had been delicious, and everyone had had a good time, Abe insisting that Dhampir and Moroi alike sat and enjoyed a meal together. After finishing two mains each, Dimitri had led Rose to the dance floor, pulling her close against him to slow dance together.

Dimitri was conscious people were looking at them, but honestly, he didn't care. Perhaps he'd been too long in Abe's company, but he was developing a healthy disregard for what other people thought. Half the men looking at them with poorly disguised contempt would have had Rose in a second if she'd shown them any interest. Sitting beside Moroi wives they neither liked nor loved, Dimitri refused to feel ashamed as he guided the most beautiful woman in the room around the dance floor, whispering sweet things to her as they swayed.

Janine and Abe were watching their daughter and her husband with pleasure. Anyone could see how in love and happy the two of them were.

"I'm going to miss her when we return to Turkey," Abe commented quietly to Janine. "In little more than three months she's become very important to me."

Janine smiled sadly. "I'll miss her, too. It feels like I've finally started to get to know her, and now I'm going to lose her again."

"You're not losing her, Jeanie. But she's stretching her wings, and that's as it should be. We'll be back for her graduation, and I thought once she's settled maybe we could visit the States for a few months each year? And you heard what Belikov said earlier – they'll be in Russia Christmas through February. I still have many business interests there - we could coincide some trips to see them there, too, if you'd like?"

"I'd like that," Janine said softly. "It just feels like I've been given a second chance at a lot of things. I want to make the most of everything."

"I know what you mean," Abe said, leaning across to give Janine a lingering kiss.

"I know what you mean," Abe said, leaning across to give Janine a lingering kiss

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Rose stifled a giggle. Today was their last day at Court, and her last day seeing her parents for a month or so. Janine and Abe were staying another two days before they'd be leaving Court for Turkey. Janine had requested Rose spend the morning with her, so she'd obediently knocked on the doors to the presidential suite straight after breakfast at 8 pm.

Looking slightly ill at ease, her mother had run through some options – they could go shopping, or have their hair done, or maybe go to the day spa together. The displeasure on Janine's face at even suggesting shopping was amusing.

"Mom? I think you're the only person in the world who hates shopping more than I do, and I know Lissa wants to drag me to the day spa this afternoon. Why don't we go for a nice jog around Court and maybe hit the Guardian gym for a while?"

Janine's relief was palpable. "That sounds wonderful," she grinned. "While it's lovely being at Court, all these rich meals and idleness is starting to get to me. I need a good work out!" Rose smiled. She and her mother were more similar than either of them probably wanted to admit.

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