Chapter 26 - Sugar and Spice

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"Oh I think Abe sounds better, don't you?" Rose's father chuckled. "So you must have questions?"

"No - not really," Rose said dismissively, pointedly turning away from him and asking an astounded Xander if he regularly worked the Saturday evening shift. Dimitri took Rose's hand, bringing it to his lips.

"Milaya?" he said softly.

She refused to look at him.

"Roza?" he persisted. "Talk to me."

"No. You know what? I don't want to talk to anyone right now. Excuse me – it was nice to meet you, Xander," she said, standing up from the table without looking at anyone and walking to the stairs.

"Roza please...?"

"Don't Dimitri. Just don't," Rose said, the quiver in her voice all too apparent. Everyone sat in an awkward silence.

"That was inexcusable Babushka. How could you be so cruel to invite Rose's father here without telling her? You know how much I love her, and how important it is to me that she feel accepted as part of our family. I can't imagine Rose will ever want to visit here again after being ambushed like that. I'm ashamed of you, and you should be ashamed of yourself," Dimitri declared.

"It's not fair to speak to your Grandmother that way," Abe said wearily. "This wasn't her idea."

"Speaking of people who should feel ashamed of themselves – who do you think you are doing that to her?!" Dimitri snarled turning to look at Abe. "I don't know why you weren't there for Rose growing up, and I don't care. What I do care about is Rose - and I don't want to see her hurt by her family any more than she already has been. So if you're here to take up the role of disinterested parent judging her and her decisions while knowing absolutely nothing about her then I'm sorry; Janine's already got that one pretty much covered."

Olena put up her hand to silence her son, "That's enough, Dimitri," she chided. "You will be polite to guests in our home. Karolina? Please take over down here - I'll go see how Rose is feeling."

"Thanks, Mama," Dimitri replied, still glowering at Abe. Not knowing what else to do, everyone continued to eat in silence.

"This was an ill-conceived idea," Abe finally admitted, his usual bluff and swagger missing. "I didn't expect Rose to realize our connection quite so quickly. I just wanted the chance to see her – I wasn't sure how much Janine had told her."

"Absolutely nothing. Rose barely knows her mother and knew nothing at all of her paternity. I can only imagine how confused she must be feeling right now," Dimitri retorted.

Abe sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "This hasn't gone the way I'd hoped," he apologized.

Dimitri was surprised to hear him own that. He knew who Abe was and how very dangerous he could be. He didn't seem like the sort of man who apologized very often. Truthfully Dimitri knew he shouldn't have said anything to him, but he couldn't hold back. Not when it came to his Rose. Besides he was in boots and all now.

"So, what is it you want from Rose?" Dimitri asked, trying to keep his tone neutral.

"Yes. That's what I want to know?" a voice said from the stairs. It was Rose. She was standing beside Olena. "Why are you here?"

"I wanted to meet you. Maybe get to know you a little?"

"So you thought 'hey she's getting to know her new family – maybe I'll just rock up and join in. It's not like she knows who I am anyway.'"

"No. I guess I didn't think it through..."

"No shit?! Did it occur to you that I might not want to see you? Nearly eighteen years is a long time to wait to make your move. So now you're curious, I'm expected to jump up and down and welcome you with open arms? Well, it doesn't work that way, old man." Rose was furious.

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