Chapter 92 - How to Handle Things

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By the time they got back to the unit, Rose barely had time to shower and get dressed before the first guests started arriving. While Rose had been pretty laid back about the whole thing, it had been Dimitri who'd been racing around the unit fluffing cushions and setting out platters of nibbles.

"Why are you so nervous, Comrade?" Rose laughed, seeing Dimitri line up the bottles of soda on the kitchen countertop with military precision.

"It's our first party together, milaya," he'd said. "I want it to go well."

"It will be fine. Everyone's just here to line their stomachs with food before they drink to excess at the real party later."

Dimitri looked at her carefully. "Do you wish you were going to the other party?" he asked.

"A little," Rose admitted. "But it's ok."

"Why don't you go just for a while? If anyone asks you can tell them I fell asleep, so you decided to hang out with Vika."

"We'll see," Rose replied in a tone of voice which meant 'not going to happen.'

The party itself went ok. As well as a party without alcohol in a unit shared by the former life of any party and her new Guardian husband could go. It was a little weird at first. None of the Novices was used to seeing inside a Guardian's quarters, so there'd been some curiosity.

"I thought you'd be in like a bigger dorm room but with its own bathroom. This is much nicer," Meredith complimented, looking admiringly around the space.

"It's home. Well at least for another few weeks," Rose had said simply, quietly pleased their little love nest had met with her approval.

Several of the Novices used needing the bathroom as an excuse to walk through their bedroom and check out the space she and Dimitri shared most intimately. Knowing there'd be a certain amount of curiosity, Rose had hidden away anything too personal or embarrassing, making sure the bed was made perfectly with fresh, clean sheets. She'd also put out a photo of the two of them taken by an obliging clerk on their wedding day, and finally left a note and a pen in the empty top drawer of their bathroom vanity with 'If you're reading this you've invaded our privacy enough!' Rose had a giggle, wondering whether anyone would write a reply.

After the fight that afternoon, everyone had plenty to talk about, especially by the time the outcomes of various wagers were discussed. Apparently, no one had seen Stan since he'd taken off after his defeat. Rose felt a little sorry for him. She hoped his pride wasn't too wounded.

Vika looked amazing when she arrived. Her hair was out in loose waves, and she was dressed in an attractive low-cut sequined top and pair of jeans. Her makeup was perfect, and as soon as Rose saw it, she realized that must be where Lissa had disappeared to after the fight. Forcing back a little pang of jealousy, Rose mentally chastised herself. This was Vika's big day, and she should be happy for her. Besides it was nice Lissa was obviously friendly enough with Vika these days to meet up without Rose there to help her with her makeup.

Coming in on Eddie's arm, the two were a striking looking couple. Both tall, her dark brown hair and eyes, so similar to Dimitri's, contrasted nicely with Eddie's sandy hair and hazel-green eyes. Grabbing her phone, Rose snapped off a couple of photos and messaged them to Karolina in Baia. She'd have sent them to Olena, but her mother-in-law wasn't great with technology, so she figured Karolina was a better bet!

The gathering was only small but given so was their unit it worked well. Rose had a chance to talk to everyone, and she was happy to see Dimitri looking relaxed and comfortable and doing likewise. Lissa and Christian arrived not long after Vika and Eddie had, and insisted on taking more photos. Rose might have noticed one of the Royal Moroi sneaking vodka into his lemonade from a hip flask, and she suspected Dimitri probably caught it too, but since no one was openly drinking nothing was said.

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