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A/N: Hello and welcome back! I'm not sure when this will be posted, but if you're reading this message that means it is published for you all to see. I am currently writing this after finishing the last chapter. I can't say that I will be finished today, I may stop and finish writing the rest another day like I have been the last few chapters. Again, I apologize for the delay. I have this entire book planned out in my head, I just need to actually sit down and write it out. 

Anyways, enough of me talking let's just get to the story. WOO!  It is Chapter 20. There will be more chapters to come. (hopefully) 

*Edit- Well... I didn't actually end up posting this. I am sorry for the hiatus. I honestly can't promise when this story will be done. My original plan was to complete all of them, as you guys know. I apologize for the delays. I guess this is a special treat. An update ya'll!! I am honestly going to TRY to force myself to write, so I can get these books done. I absolutely hate it when I fall in love with a story, and it is not complete. I understand, I feel ya guys.... 

Be patient with me! I love ya'll so very much. Perhaps if I can't update a story... I can let someone else finish it? Or I can post what WOULD of happened for the rest of the book? Since I have brief summaries of how each Chapter is going to go....

ALSO- Photo is of the cave. For visual reference.



Bella's POV

The World Below


Bliss. That was the only word I could use to describe the feeling I was feeling. I have a very special bond with the water, and to be able to share that with my mate made my entire body fill with joy. To be able to show someone else my world, someone who hadn't experienced it, was
thrilling. It's like bringing a kid to Disney World for the first time, or the feeling you get waking up on Christmas morning to find presents under your tree. 

The first thing I noticed while swimming down beneath the surface was Edward's beautiful hair. His luscious locks were floating around us, like most peoples hair under water. With him though, it was something more. Perhaps it was because he was my mate? His hair looked so soft. He was even more beautiful underwater if that were even possible. 

After we had hit the bottom of the ocean floor, I pulled back slightly to look at him. His eyes had widened as he took in his surroundings around him. Vampires have heightened sight, but it was even more heightened with the magical seaweed. This was a special type of magic to help you see more underwater. 

"You can speak too." I told him, smiling. I didn't want him to be freaked out, even though I knew this was all new to him. I'm sure he's had to hold his breath underwater before. Vampires were able to hold their breath forever. I realize he's never spoken or took a breath under water before, so he was probably nervous. 

Stoking his face, I nodded at him, encouraging him with my eyes. "It's okay, I promise you I'm not playing some joke." He nodded his head back at me before taking in a small breath. Shock was written on his face before he opened his mouth. "I-I believe you." Now I was the one stunned. I've never heard Edward stuttered unless we were doing something sexual. On the other hand, I was also so proud of him. Here he was beneath the surface, in my world. 

I grinned at him. "The special stuff I gave you? It gives you the ability to speak, see and breath underwater." I told him. His eyes lit up when I told him this. "Fascinating," He spoke to himself. I took this opportunity to swim around him a couple times, getting a better look at him. 

He looked the same as always, yet he looked entirely different. He looked in awe, he looked enchanted. Seeing him so absorbed in the world around him made me happy, it was captivating to watch. My mate was here! He was with me in my second home. I was beyond ecstatic!

"You're beautiful," I heard Edward mutter, pulling me from my thoughts. I whipped my head up, watching him glance me up and down. His hands slowly extended until he was inches from my tail. My eyes met him, and I could see in his eyes, that he was telling the truth. His eyes were filled with such adoration it made me want to cry. 

He was asking permission with his eyes if it were okay to touch me. I was shook. Nobody has ever touched my tail, let alone ask for permission. Not even my "mother" had touched my tail. I took in a quick breath before I nodded my head at him, wearily. I wanted to be open with him, I wanted everything with him. Touching my tail seemed so vulnerable, but I was ready.

He reached forward the rest of the way and gently laid his hand on my tail. I shuddered.

My first thought was of how soft his hands were. It was like the softest silk touch blanket had grazed my tail. His temperature wasn't as bad underwater as well. I felt his fingers lightly stroke my tail. I couldn't help but twitch a little as pleasure coursed through me. This was what it felt like to be touched? It felt incredible! 

"Wow." Was all he said, as he explored my tail with his hands. It was impossible not to think how vulnerable I was in this moment.  I was letting Edward touch my mermaid tail. Nobody has touched my mermaid tail before. Nobody! Touching someone's mermaid tail is like.... touching someone's private part. It's sacred. It was special. 

I liked it when Edward touched my tail... and I couldn't wait for future experiences together.

"You don't know how incredible that feels," I admitted honestly to him. This whole experience with Edward was exhilarating. He grinned at me, before his eyes glanced down. I narrowed my eyes at him, confused why he was doing it. Without warning, he started bringing his face closer to my tail. I froze, backing away from him, surprised. 

What was he doing? Panic started to spread throughout my body as I thought of the worse possible thing that could happen. Was he going to bite me? Of course he wasn't going to bite you! You're his mate! The inner voice in my head said. I couldn't help but think the worst, as my body was filled with anxiety. Why else would he bring his mouth closer to my tail? What was he going to do? WHY would he do that? 

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," He uttered sincerely. Breathing deeply, I looked into his eyes. His beautiful golden eyes stared back at me with such intensity. I knew my fears had gotten the best of me. Of course he wasn't going to hurt me. Why had I become riddled with anxiety so fast? He was my mate! 

He held out his hand, and I took it. "No, no. I just panicked... I'm sorry," I admitted to him. He pulled me closer, and cupped my cheek. He shouldn't be the one apologizing... I was the one to freak out. He didn't even do anything wrong. 

"Baby, you have nothing to apologize for."  My eyes started to tear up as I registered the words he said to me. How did I get so lucky? Having Edward as my mate was absolutely amazing. I got to be with the most incredible man in the world, and I loved it. 

"What... were you going to do?" I asked him curiously after a minute. 

Lightly taking my hand, he smiled at me. "Do you trust me?" Without hesitation, I nodded my head. I did trust Edward. With my entire being. 

"Let me show you," He whispered softly to me, separating his body slightly from my own. He held my gaze as he brought his face closer to my tail. I stopped breathing as I watched him. I was a little nervous, but not as much as before. Edward wasn't going to hurt me. I had to have faith in him. I thought to myself.

I watched as he slowly starting bringing his mouth to my tail, never letting go of my gaze. It wasn't until I felt his lips brush against my tail that I gasped aloud, understand what he was doing. The feelings that ran through my body were indescribable. I thought Edward touching my tail with his hands was erotic... but this? This was more. This was everything! 

He placed light kisses all the way down my tail, as I gulped and quietly moaned. This man would be the death of me. 

"Oh, Edward." I murmured, pulling his face up to my own. I had to kiss him. I had to feel his lips touching mine. That was by far the most incredible thing I had experienced. And here you were panicking over nothing. I couldn't help but internally roll my eyes. I did panic for nothing. 

He kissed me back, with just as much power and enthusiasm I had. 

We stayed like this, it could of been hours, it could of been days. I didn't know, and I didn't care. Eventually we broke apart, grinning widely at each other. 

"I love you," I muttered, whole heartedly to him. Pulling my hand to his mouth, he kissed it gently, before responding. "As I love you," 

In this moment, I wished we could stay here forever. In this blissful time, underwater. Away from all of my life problems. But I knew we had to leave soon, to return back home. I sighed, before looking out into the distance of the water. 

Before we did go... I wanted to explore more with him, to show him my world, specifically a certain location. 

Earlier in the week, when Edward had gone hunting, I took a bit of time for myself. I went swimming and ended up finding a beautiful cave just off the beach. I knew it would be the perfect place to show Edward. Not only was this cave beautiful underwater, there was also a secret opening to a hidden section above water. 

I was amazed at it back then, and I knew Edward would love it.

"Come with me, I want to show you something," I said to Edward. I looked back at him, taking a hold of his hand. It didn't take long before he nodded his head in response. Pulling him with me, I started swimming towards the direction of the cave.

A few minutes into swimming, I noticed I was tugging Edward more than I should be. Being a mermaid, I was a faster swimmer. I had to remember to slow down and go his pace. 

Apart of me was glad to be faster under the water. I knew that above the surface, our roles were reversed. He was faster on land, so it was nice to beat him at something. 

"Oops, sorry!" I apologized to him, slowing down. I didn't mind going slow. I didn't want to rush. I wanted to give him some time to experience the ocean, to look at the scenery.

Out of the corner of my eye, I watched him. I watched as he took in everything around him. 

The anemones swayed from side to side as the waves surged through the ocean floor. We descended downwards a little towards the coral reef. I wanted him to get a better view. We passed red, orange and yellow tub sponges scattered across the reef. We passed by a large heap of brain coral. We swam for a long time, exploring the ocean. 

As we started getting closer to the cave, I noticed a sea turtle gracefully swimming towards us. He had a long, streamlined shell with olive-green skin and brown spots. As we got near the turtle, I noticed it became more weary. 

I had to squeeze Edward's hand when it stopped dead in its tracks, and swam the other direction. I knew it wasn't his fault, he was a vampire after all. Their nature instills fear in creatures. Poor Edward... and poor sea turtle. 

"Remember when you went hunting the other day?" I asked, to distract him from what had just happened. I knew he was a little upset from the interaction. I could feel it. I knew it must suck for him, to not be able to interact with animals in a non-hunting way. 

He nodded his head, so I continued. "I went swimming that day, and came across this gem." 

We pulled up towards the cave, and I watched as Edward's eyes went wide. The cave was like an underwater paradise. The reef was colorful and bright, as sea creatures swam carefree in clumps. Sea grass grew a mile high, as the sun beamed down, shining through the waves.

"Wow," Was all he could say. I grinned in response. His silence meant everything. He was just as stunned as I first was getting into the ocean. I was happy he was enjoying this. This was a special day for the both of us. 

It was like an underground oasis. The sleek state stone smooth over by a millennia of sharp erosion from the rich blue water which was illuminated by a single hole piercing through the roof. 

I wonder if anyone else has stumbled upon this secret spot? The only way to access it was by swimming underwater.... though it is possible a diver could have gone this far out. "That's not even the best part," I told him. I motioned for him to follow me. This was it! I reached the surface a few seconds before him, and we both gasped for air. 

The sound of water dripping onto the floor permeated our surroundings, and the clean fresh smell of the pool filled my senses. 

This place was like something out of a movie. 

"You can only access this place by swimming in," I gave him a second to look around, letting him take everything in. When I first found this place, it took me a bit to soak everything in, to admire it all, so I decided to give Edward some space. 

Using my powers, I whispered quietly I wish for my legs, before making my way out of the water and onto land. There wasn't much room around the edges of the pool, about enough to fit a blanket. Perhaps in the future we could come back for a picnic? Or other... things. 

My face turned hot as I started thinking about all the fun things we could do in this quiet cave. Nobody would be around to bother us... It would just be us. 

We've gotten very intimate over the last week, though not as intimate as before. Thinking about the first time we were close made my body start to tingle. The thrill of being caught by our parents, and the feel of him... all of him. 

My body responded almost immediately to the lustful thoughts. The air suddenly changed, and the small space felt very hot. All I could think about in this moment, was him. 

Could this be the place where we fully become intimate? To be mated forever? 

To think months ago, everything was different. I was living in Florida, I was living under this whole other life. And here I was today, in a secluded cave alone with my mate. A vampire, whom I loved very much. One I trusted with my entire being, one I know would never hurt me. 

And I had a brand new family. One that accepted me with open arms. 

I wouldn't trade this for the world... 


What do you think? Thanks again for being patience. I will try my BEST to upload ASAP. Like I said at the start of the chapter, I will force myself to finish this book. It is my 2021 goal! 

I love and cherish you all. 

See you on the next Chapter. 

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