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Bella's POV


I had rushed out of biology with the note in my backpack. I planned on confronting him. He couldn't just leave a note like that on my desk and leave, it pissed me off a little. I followed his scent, which lead me outside into the parking lot.

I followed it, and walked towards an empty parking spot. The scent stopped. I cursed under my breath. He was smart, too smart. Almost like he'd knew I would follow his scent. I sighed, before I could turn around and go back inside, I heard a noise behind me.

I spun around fast, ready to attack the person when I noticed it was one of the Cullen's. She had black hair that spiked a bit, she was quite small. Her name was Alice, I remembered Jess talking about each of them. "He left you know," Alice said, and I sighed.

I turned back and looked at the empty spot where his car was suppose to be, before I turned back to Alice. I nodded my head. "I figured, I just... needed to talk to him," She nodded her head in understanding.

"He hasn't gone far," She winked at me, before handing me a piece of paper. I flipped it open and noticed an address and a phone number on it. I looked up at her and grinned. "You know, I have a feeling we are going to be great friends!"

She nodded her head in agreement. "Totally!" I stared at the address again, it wasn't that far from the school... maybe a ten minute drive? "Well I'll catch you later, I have to go back to class!" Alice said, before she skipped off.

I decided to walk to the address Alice had given me, partly because I knew if I took my car, he'd definitely hear it, and if I walked the chances of him catching me were slim; I had to put my stuff in my locker before I left though, so I didn't lose anything on the way.

After I put the stuff away, I threw on a jacket and a hat and walked out the front door. Soon as I stepped outside I was blasted by the wind. My monstrous hair of course started going crazy. Having hair down to my thighs was actually quite annoying, but I couldn't bring myself to cut it.

I tried my best to ignore it, and continued walking. I walked to the forest, by far my quickest route to take. As fast as I could, once I was out of sight from human eyes, I ran. I knew if any human were wandering in the forest right now, they wouldn't see me.

Suddenly his scent filled my nose, and I had to stop dead in my tracks. It was strong, so I guessed it was recent. I followed the scent, and made it into a clearing.

Wild flowers grew all around, the grass was so green it seemed to glow. The sun was shining in the middle of it, and I couldn't help but gasp at the sight of it. I walked into the middle of it, and shut my eyes as the sun beamed on my face.

I loved the sun, the heat. My favorite part about it is when I'm swimming and I could feel it on my fins! I hadn't been swimming for a while though, and I really wanted to. The only times I could swim, at night, and most of the time I'm too exhausted to swim.

I'd have to go soon though, if you don't change for a while you can get very ill and die. Of course it's never happened to me, but mother always warned me.

I heard movement behind me, and couldn't help but freeze. I opened my eyes, and stared in front of me. I knew it was him. I could tell by how strong his scent was. "What are you doing here?" The voice demanded.

I couldn't help but glare in front of me. Slowly I turned around to face him. He was wearing the same outfit I last seen him in. He had his arms folded over his chest, but I could tell he was on edge. If I did anything wrong, I knew he'd attack me.

"We need to talk," I told him. He looked more on edge now; he was staring at me like I was a threat, and as far as he knew I was one. I still doubt that he knew what I was, but I was curious to hear his theories.

He was glaring at me now, and I didn't wait for a response. "You think you can just leave like that after you give me that note?" I was beyond pissed. "You can't just do that! Not to mention if anyone else saw it, or if it fell!"

He just stared at me, though he looked kind of amused watching me. "And don't think for one minute that you are off the hook too!" I pointed at him. "I've heard about you. I know you and your entire family are not human," I was in his face now.

"So if you think you can tell on me well think again because I know-," I was suddenly cut off. Lips were attached to mine, and hands were against my face. Now usually if I were forced to kiss someone, I'd stop them, but this time I didn't.

I had no idea why I wasn't stopping, here Edward Cullen was kissing me the day after I met him. I just found out about him today, and here we were kissing in this clearing. All I could feel was the desire that pulsed through me. The sexual desire was unbelievable.

Did this happen between all supernatural creatures? Were they all sexually attracted to each other? I had no idea, but I knew one thing for sure, I was loving it.

He was being rough with me, almost like he couldn't handle himself. I didn't mind though, I was being just as rough. He let go of my face, and his hands went down to my thighs. He picked me up, and wrapped my legs around his waist.

Just as fast, he ran with me, and my back was thrown against a tree. I groaned from it, not in pain, but in pleasure. The desire that was coursing through me right now was crazy. I wanted him to do me right here against the tree.

His nails dug into my thighs, and his hands roamed my body. Our lips were still attached, but now we were breathing like crazy, as we devoured each other. I bit down on his lip hard, and he moaned in delight.

That's when I heard it- the sound of bird chirping. I snapped out of it quickly, and pushed Edward off of me. I stared at myself for the longest time. What the hell was that? What the hell had just happened to me? Was I taken by sexual pleasure so much, that I couldn't stop myself? I stopped staring at myself, and turned to look at Edward. He looked just as surprised, like he was in shock. I walked closer to him, and slapped him as hard as I could in the face.

"Don't you dare touch me again," I hissed at him. I said one thing, but I knew my body said another. My body seemed to be in disagreement, like it wanted him to touch me. As I said it, my body seemed to be moving closer to him. Like he was a magnet, like I was being pulled towards him. It was odd, and I couldn't describe the feeling.

Our bodies were touching now, and we stayed like that for a few seconds. We both moaned at the same time, before I snapped out of it again. I pushed him away from me, and managed to throw him to the ground. "No! Stop it, stay away from me!" I screamed at him.

I ran away from him then, and ran through the forest. I didn't even care where I was going I just ran. I was too afraid my body would do something. My body was betraying me right now. I was suppose to hate him, not be sexually attracted to him.

I had this whole plan, I was going to confront him, and yell at him. I had no intention of doing what happened, so why did it happen? I was so confused...


A/N hahahah- poor little bella feeling the sexual desire. Ever get that when you hate this person so much that you just wanna kiss them? I haven't. But you know what? ITS HAPPENING! Don't judge me. D: Its my story I can do what I want! I mean how boring would it be if they just talked it out and yelled at each other? Had to get some action in there. DUH! And I have to write this at the end so I didn't give anything away at the start. YOUR WELCOME FOR THE UPLOAD!!!! Thought I'd give you a few before XMAS. Vote <3 Give me your thoughts. COMMENT OR I WILL EAT YOUR SOUL! 

<3 Love you. 

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