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A/N: Hello you all! Here is another chapter. I just wanted to say one again that this is MY story. If you don't like how fast I am going than please feel free to stop reading my stories so With that being said.

*WARNING this chapter does CONTAIN MATURE CONTENT. If you cannot handle that please feel free to stop reading. I will tell you where it is in the chapter before so you know where to skip. The mature content goes on for the rest of the chapter. So you might wanna skip it.

Thanks y'all for reading and sticking by me. <3

Here you go:

Bella's POV

[9] Bonding


Edward lead me up the stairs past the second floor. Were we headed towards the third floor? How many floors did this house have? Was he taking me to his bedroom? We finally made it to the top of the stairs. A doorway stood in our midst. Was it his bedroom? What was inside the room? "My parent's room," He explained, and continued walking down a hallway. I followed behind him as quickly as I could while still trying to take a look around. This entire floor was bigger than our house!

We walked past what I assumed was a library, finally till we reached the south end of the house. He stopped in front of a wooden oak door. "My bedroom," He said. I froze momentarily. If we go inside his bedroom, would we head straight for the bed? Oh no. He opened the door before I could freak out any longer.

I couldn't help but gasp as I took sight of it all. His room was huge! On the right side of his bedroom wall was a massive book shelf filled with books, CD'S, and records. I was impressed! The entire left side of his room was glass, a window looking out towards the scenery. The beautiful forest and the sky; He didn't have a bed, only a white sofa facing towards the shelf.

"Wow," I said, before slowly entering inside his room. He shut his door gently, before I heard him follow behind me. His light footsteps echoed through my ears, and I could feel the warmth between us. The atmosphere changed, and I could almost feel the pulse of the attraction in the air. I think he felt it too because he gasped.

"It's so strong," I whispered. The small space was getting to me, I had to sit down. Quickly moving towards his couch I sat down on the edge and took in some deep breaths of air calming myself down. I needed to be able to think, to be able to talk. Calm down Bella, deep breaths. After a few minutes I could finally relax. "We- We need to talk." I told him.

I looked up at him, and locked gazes. His golden eyes held me in the spot and I couldn't help but shiver. All he had to do was look at me and I went all soft and got butterflies. Damn it! "I uh. I don't know how to... say this." I swallowed the lump in my throat. This was so hard to say. How could you possibly tell someone that they were your mate? It would freak them out.

He came and sat down beside me, stroking my hand gently, encouragingly. I felt like I was melting, dying of excitement. He was holding my hand! He was touching me, does that mean he likes me? Maybe I was his mate too! Would we have a happy ending? A vampire and a mermaid is uncommon, it's got to cause... problems.

"Uh, I... I um." I took another deep breath. I couldn't concentrate with him holding me. Damn it Bella! Get a hold of yourself. Calm down, focus. Focus! "I think.. you're my... mate." I finally muttered out. He didn't stop stroking my hand. His skilled hands traveled up my arm, across my shoulder blade towards my face.

He cupped my cheek with his hand. "I know," He muttered softly. I looked up at him, studying his features. He knew we were mates. Did that mean? He smiled slightly and dropped his hand from my face. Oh no! This was a bad sign. He already had a mate didn't he? Why did this have to happen to me? Why couldn't I have mated to a normal guy?

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