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A/N i know I haven't updated in a long time. I've been really busy with school and homework. Not to mention other stuff I am doing. I decided to post this. I've had it in one of my journals for the longest time, just sitting there. So I finally typed it up, and walla! Here an update for you.


Bella's POV


I decided to go swimming after my little encounter with Edward. Swimming was one of my safeties. It made me forget everyone and everything, it was one of those things that I could just be me and relax. Once I got there, I made sure no one was ground before I got in the water.

As soon as I jumped in, my feet disappeared and I had my fins again. I swam around for a bit above water, before I sunk deep into the blue. It was a good thing I could breath underwater and above water! It was very useful.

I could even talk with other mermaids through mind. We had to be close though, but it was still fun to experience. Each mermaid has different powers, most are good, but a few abuse their powers, which get them removed.

But some mermaids are special and get more than one, like me. I don't have one gift, but three. My first power, which I like to call gifts; the ability to use water. I can create it, move it, throw it, I can do anything I want with it! Even freeze it. I later found out I could control fire was well, including heat, and bolts of lightning. Basically controlling the weather. I could control the elements.

My next gift, is the power to heal any living thing. I've only tried it on smaller things. I took a lot of energy and focus; my third and final gift, the ability to shift. I could turn into a mermaid anytime I want, and I could control not turning.

It was one of the rarest gifts, the only person I know who has this gift other than myself, was the queen. Although I haven't met her, I've heard wonderful things about her!

I swam to the surface again, and noticed how far I was out. I could still see the land, but eyesight was tripled, I could see far distances; I ducked down in the water again, and swam closer to the land. Just as I was about to go up, I noticed a change. Something felt off in the water...

I stopped swimming, and looked around. I noticed something white in the water, in front of me. The vibe was strong, and it scared me. It was almost like a dangerous feeling, like I wanted to run away from it.

Slowly I stuck my head out of the water, it was dark out now, and a figure was before me. I could tell it was a man from his back muscles. His waist was in the water, and the moonlight made his skin pale. I assumed he was a vampire, as it would explain the danger feeling I was getting.

Mom had taught me history on the legends. Of vampires, and werewolves, mermaids and witches, or wizards as they are now known. I moved closer to him, and soon I was a few feet from him. "I know you're here," The man said, and turned around.

I couldn't help but gasp as I caught sight of him. I should of been able to tell it was him! I should have figured it out. It brought more questions to my mind. Why was I seeing him everywhere? The reason I was even here in the water was because I needed to get away from here, but yet here he is standing in front of me.

He had froze in the water, and was staring at me shocked. My waist was under the water, so I don't think he saw my tail, but I wasn't sure. "I wish I had legs," I whispered very quietly. Soon after, I felt the familiar tingle on my tail and my legs appeared.

"What are you doing here?" I demanded, staying low in the water. The only downfall of being a mermaid, being naked after you change forms. I was lucky my hair was so long, it covered my breasts so he couldn't see my front half.

We continued staring at each other. I couldn't help it though, he was gorgeous! Who wouldn't stare at him? Urg! What was wrong with me? I just wanted answers. I wanted to know why I was drawn to him. The feeling was so intense, and I couldn't understand it. Was it for every mermaid and vampire?

Suddenly a story popped in my head. I remember I put it in the back of my mind, it was a while ago with mom and I never thought I'd have to deal with it so soon.


"Sit still!" Mom hissed at me, as she finished placing the pins of my dress in place. We were getting ready for Cami's wedding. She's been best friends with my mom for years! While she was finishing getting my dress ready, she was telling me more about mermaids.

I've learned a lot, but now she was explaining to me how I will know when I find my mate. Mating with mermaids are usually easy, but sometimes it can be hard. They are especially dangerous if the mate isn't a mermaid.

"Mom?" I asked her as she finished up my dress. She stopped to look at me, her eyes soft. "Yes, sweetheart?"

"I-I just wanted to know... what happens if you don't mate to a mermaid?" She had froze all of the sudden. A sigh escaped her mouth, before she stood up and walked out of the room. It startled me, what had I said to upset her? I felt bad for upsetting her.

She came back in the room after a few minutes, carrying some books with her. I stared at her, the curiosity burning within me. She walked over to me, and handed me the books. "Everything you need to know is in this book." She explained.

I was fascinated, and the curiosity got the best of me. I opened the book to the first page, and started reading...

Mating [A mermaids handbook]

Mating with each other is simple, quick and is usually easily recognized. The attraction between the mates will become stronger over time. In the beginning, the stages are basic. The first stage is called infatuation; it almost always starts with an intense attraction and an uncontrollable urge to be with each other. In this stage, both of you overlook any flaws of each other and only focus on the good sides.

I skipped down to the last part. It stated mating different species is hard, and is very rare. It's very different than mating the same species, but it didn't give specifics except for mating humans.


It hit me hard, and I gasped aloud. He was my mate!? I was mated to a vampire? The book said stuff about mating humans, but what about a vampire?I had to call mom! I backed up in the water. If I swam away would he follow me? He was a vampire, who knows what he could do.

"Please, don't go!" Edward pleaded. His golden eyes pierced mine. They were soft, but I could tell from his voice how much it affected him. I stood frozen in the spot, like he commanded me to. He walked over to me, and stared at my face. "What is it about you," He muttered, stroking my cheek. His hand did wonders to my body!

I shivered from the pleasure he was giving me. It wasn't anything to do with me, it was the stupid bond we now had, which apparently is sexual. I wonder what else it could be? "I-I need to go," I told him, and gulped fresh air down into my lungs.

He made me nervous, and I couldn't think around him. He frowned at that, his lip quivered into a out almost. "Why?" He asked me. He was in front of me know, I couldn't tell if he was naked or not. It made me on edge.

My legs were weak, and my stomach felt like jello. He already had a hold on me, and I didn't even know him! "I don't trust myself around you," I admitted truthfully. Who knows what would happen, even though my body didn't seem to mind at all.

It seemed like he was debating something, finally he snapped out of it. He had froze, and was staring at me with a horrified expression. He backed away from me, his expression staying the same. "What are you doing to me?" He whispered fearfully.

I wanted to go to him to comfort him, to hug him, but I held my ground. I was frozen now, and all I could do was stare at him. His golden eyes were filled with such terror. "You monster!" He screamed at me, and then disappeared.

I stared into his eyes, and blinked my worst fear come true away. I never wanted that to happen ever; I was so confused! I don't want to be around him, but I do. It hurts to even think of being away from him, but at the same time I can do it. This mating situation was going to be complicated....

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