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[The Day She Went Back]

Olivia knew that she could go back to work and be the commanding officer once again, but she still didn't feel completely happy and worry free when she left her husband alone with their children. Elliot is a great father and is amazing with the twins, but it wasn't the same. She knew exactly what they needed and how they liked getting fed and such, and Elliot didn't know every little detail.

"Hey, there you are!" Amanda smiled, as Olivia walked into the squad room, her usual big bag in hand.

"Hey." Olivia smiled softly, as she walked towards the blonde detective. They hugged for a long moment before Amanda followed Olivia into her office.

"Not ready to come back?" Amanda questioned, and Olivia nodded as she sat in her chair and started to pull out several pictures to add to her desk and to the walls in her office.

"Not at all. I'm nervous about having my husband at home all day with the babies by himself."

"Is Bernie not there anymore?" Amanda questioned, and Olivia shook her head.

"She had to go home. She stops by every once and a while, but she isn't living with us anymore." Olivia sighed. She understood that Bernie still has her own life, but she was wishing that her mother in law would've moved in with them. Not only for her and Elliot's sake but for the babies too. They absolutely love Bernie, just like their parents, and having her live so far away was upsetting. 

"I'm sorry, Liv. I know how much you love those babies of yours... But Elliot's their dad. He'll probably be just sitting and watching some sports game on the TV, with a baby in each arm. You know it." Amanda smiled softly. She grabbed a framed picture from Olivia's desk and smiled at her niece and nephew.

For everyone in Olivia and Elliot's lives, the two beautiful babies were family. Fin was going to be their godfather, and Amanda their godmother. No matter what though, whether godparent or not, Savannah and Cade were blessed with so many people to protect them and be there for them.

"I'm making the right choice... right? Like I know how hard of a time you had after Jesse was born. Did you feel like leaving her with your mother or the sitter was the wrong choice sometimes?"

"Oh yeah, but it gets better. Every night you get to go home and cuddle them and make up for the time you lost during the day. And possibly ending the days a little earlier may be nice, and help you. You know?" Amanda smirked which made Olivia laughed.

"Yeah, maybe we can try and get out of here at 5 instead of 6."


While Olivia was working, Elliot was wasting his free time while he waited for his kids to wake up. At only 3 months old, they are great at sleeping through the night. It allows Olivia and Elliot to get more sleep because, during the day when the babies are awake, they demand so much from their parents that when it's time for bed, Olivia and Elliot almost pass out as soon as they get into bed.

Elliot was able to check off most of the tasks Olivia had asked him to do, like sterilize the many bottles they had for the babies, fold the laundry she had left in the dryer, and to figure out something to make for dinner tonight. She hated Elliot's chili, but he really wanted to make it so he did. She'd just have to deal with it, was what he kept saying to himself.

Around 10 the twins woke up for their third feeding of the day. Savannah had to start eating bigger servings when it was time for her to eat, and so far she didn't seem to be bothered by it. Cade on the other hand probably would drink his bottle and his sister's if his parents would let him.

"See, and Mommy thought I wouldn't be able to take care of both of you by myself." Elliot smiled, as he laid the twins down on a soft blanket on the floor. He knew that Olivia tried to get them to support their heads for at least an hour a day, and he planned on keeping that schedule so the babies might not get as fussy because they know what is happening.

Elliot caressed Savannah's hair as she laid on her tiny little hands, but she kept looking at her father even if she had a hard time lifting her head and supporting it long enough to look directly at him.

"You are so freaking beautiful, Savannah." He breathed, before leaning down and kissing her head softly, then he looked at his son. Cade had his head up, and he was drooling a bit as he looked at Elliot. Elliot laughed before grabbing the small towel that Olivia told him to use, and he wiped the drool from his son's lips and chin.

"You are adorable too, Cadey. You know, Mommy and I are so freaking lucky to be given the opportunity to raise you two. I don't regret paying almost all of our savings to get you two, because it is so freaking worth it." Elliot grinned.

"They are lucky that they look more like her than you, sweetie." Bernie smiled, as she walked into the house without even knocking. Elliot's eyes went wide because he didn't even think Olivia knew his mother planned on stopping by.

"Mom, what are you doing here?" Elliot asked, as he stood and drew his mother into a warm hug.

"I knew Liv was going back to work, so I thought you might want some more help. It looks like you are doing good so far." Bernie smiled, as she walked into the kitchen and scrubbed her hands clean, before going back out to hold her grandchildren.

"They are really good babies. I just hope they don't get our rebellious streak..." Elliot sighed as he got flashes of seeing his children with tattoos and piercings even before they were out of the house.

"Don't worry, Elliot. There is plenty of time for them to grow into humans that aren't going to be as stubborn as you and Olivia are. However, they will not like rules like you too." Bernie smiled, as she sank down onto the ground and lifted Savannah into her arms.

Bernie has a special bond with her smallest and youngest granddaughter. When she was staying here to help with the twins, she'd sit for hours just rocking the little girl and singing to her.

"It's nice to see you Mom, and having some extra help will be nice." Elliot smiled, as he lifted Cade up and cuddled him close.

"Good, because I think we should talk too."

Elliot was nervous about what they needed to talk about because he absolutely hated how he treated his mother and he didn't want her to bring it up before he got a chance to apologize completely.

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