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[The Day They Decided On Names]

Elliot ended up telling his wife about everything he was feeling, and why he was feeling that. Olivia was pissed off at him for keeping the fact that Nick was in the hospital because he was stabbed, but once she went to see him she calmed a bit and didn't ignore Elliot as often.

But as the days started to blur as work took up more time, and the early due date that Dr. Lee had predicted got closer, Olivia and Elliot had to try and figure out names for their son and daughter. Neither of them had a freaking idea of what they wanted to name their children. But one night when Olivia started to get practice contractions, the idea of them becoming parents got more real and the need to name their children became more important.

"Why do these hurt so bad?" Olivia sighed, as she opened her eyes after the practice contraction faded away.

"Well, to prepare you, right?" Elliot spoke, as he drew her close again.

"It was more of a rhetorical question, Stabler." She huffed. Elliot smiled as he placed a gentle kiss to her temple before sighing.

"How many more days?" Elliot asked.

"3 more days before Dr. Lee said the babies may come," Olivia whispered.

"That isn't that far off..." Elliot trailed off, as he started to feel anxious about it all.

"Yeah, and we are still calling them Baby A and Baby B." She sighed, before shifting up and starting to pace the living room. Now both of them were anxious and nervous about their babies' arrival.

"I wonder if they'd let us put that on their birth certificates?" Elliot teased his wife, but that just made her stare him down.

"Elliot, please. This isn't a good time for joking around. I'm about to the point where I'm going to have a panic attack unless we can come up with names for our children!" She exclaimed.

For the two babies they lost, and the one they planned on adopting, they didn't have a hard time coming up with names. Olivia and Elliot named both of the babies that Olivia had been pregnant with as soon as her stomach started to swell. But this was just weird for them. They knew that the babies were alive because they were always kicking and punching Olivia and Elliot's hands when they were rested on Olivia's swell. But coming up with names that could represent how happy they were was hard.

"Okay. No more joking. I'm going to make you some tea, and when it's done we will sit outside and enjoy the cold air and think of names."

"Okay." She breathed, before grabbing onto the edge of the entertainment stand as her stomach tensed again.


Shortly after they went outside, the pains stopped and Olivia could finally think about names for her two precious babies.

"I really think the little man should be named after me," Elliot smirked, as he massaged Olivia's swollen ankles while they sat on their outdoor furniture.

"I don't think this world needs another Elliot Stabler." Olivia smiled as she brought her teacup to her lips. Elliot smiled as she did, and watched her with gentle eyes.

"What were you thinking?" He asked as he pulled the hood of his sweatshirt up, to block out the cold breeze that had started shortly after they came outside.

"Something cute. I don't know. I just know that A and B as names would really cause our kids some trouble." Olivia smiled.

"Apple and Banana," Elliot smirked.

"Elliot!" She whined.

"What it's better than just A and B!" He exclaimed, before reaching out and gently poking her swell.

"Cade." Olivia breathed, as she watched the steam swirl up from her cup.

"Cade?" Elliot spoke surprised. He expected his wife to say John or Michael, not Cade.

"Yeah, it's short and cute. He'll be able to spell it before he goes to school if I have anything to say about it."

"Cade what though?" Elliot mused.

"Cade Owen Stabler." Olivia grinned, as she leaned down a bit and sat her empty cup on the floor. She looked at her husband as she placed her hand over where she knew her son rested. He always seemed to be lower and to the right, while he sister was always higher up and to the left.

"Now just our little girl," Elliot spoke, before sliding closer to his wife. He placed his hand over hers and smiled as he saw some tears in her eyes. She was so excited now. Well, more excited than she had.

"Remember when we went to Savannah for our honeymoon?" Olivia asked, and Elliot nodded.

"We took a horse-drawn carriage ride around the town at twilight. We had so much fun there." Elliot smiled softly.

"I remember how burnt you got when you fell asleep on the patio of our hotel when I was shopping." Olivia laughed, which made her husband start to laugh also.

"God, I was so freaking red." He laughed.

"What about Savannah? It's longer than Cade's name, but it's sweet. It's also important to us. Savannah was a beautiful place where we got to know each other even more." Olivia breathed, and Elliot nodded.

"Savannah Elena Stabler." Elliot breathed back to his wife. Olivia had a friend in high school, her best friend in fact, and she had passed away due to a rare heart condition and honoring her by giving their daughter her name as Savannah's middle name was important not only to Olivia but also to her husband.

"I love it." Olivia sniffled. She wiped a few tears from her cheeks before closing her eyes.

"Happy now?" Elliot questioned, as he leaned closer to her and caressed her tear stained cheeks.

"Yeah, I am. I've been happy for a bit, but now I'm even happier. I'm not ignoring you as I had been for a few weeks. And even if they may come early, Cade and Savannah have names now and have two parents who are going to be by their sides for everything."

"Let's go to bed, my love," Elliot spoke, before shifting out from underneath his wife's legs, before helping her to her feet. He bent down and picked up her cup, before wrapping his arm around her waist and helping her into the house.

"I'm keeping my crew on high alert." Olivia yawned, as she waited at the bottom of the stairs for her husband.

"Good, because as soon as anything starts, I want you to get to the hospital and have one of them call me. I can get to the hospital in 10 minutes if I take back roads."

"Good, because you aren't missing their births. C'mon. I'm tired. Help me up the stairs." 

Hey guys! I hope you like the names! Please vote and comment all of your feedback below! :D

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